Has or does anyone suffer from very dry skin. If so where is it more pronounced?
Sorry another question. : Has or does... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Sorry another question.

dry skin is a potential symptom of a number of conditions including B12 deficiency.
for me personally it was an issue before I was diagnosed but resolved when I got my B12 levels right ... but has also recurred with the development of hashi's. I tend to notice it on my arms, legs and feet most, probably because I tend to moisturise my face anyway.
Thank you Gambit. I suffer it on my face, arms & legs. I have just started to moisturise. Makes a difference.
I heartily endorse what Gambit62 posted.
That fantastic extra sense we gain as we age (as the others fade ), hindsight, tells me a lot. From childhood until diagnosed hypothyroid, and treated, I tended to be obsessive about dry hands. And dry elbows and feet.
Now, I often forget how it used to be. Not really forget, but it isn't in my mind, I don't form fists to ensure my hands feel slightly less dry.
Yes, my hands, and my lips and face around them.
Since I was a child (about the time my other B12d symptoms started) they have always been impossibly dry - I just couldn't moisturise them enough - and had lots of painful splits as a result.
My hands were like sandpaper and I had to put gloves on if I wanted to put tights on. Giving someone a massage was more of an ordeal of exfoliation!! 😁 I was very self conscious when kissing someone.
They aged badly and have always looked like they belonged to someone at least twice my age - and scaley too - yuk!
When I was milking cows we had to wear nitrile examination gloves (like nurses wear) for hygiene purposes to reduce cross contamination in food production so I got used to wearing them.
When my B12 levels got really bad I started wearing these gloves all the time and started B12 injections. My hands have improved steadily since and now, although still very wrinkly, are soft and smooth.
Because I did both constant gloves and B12 jabs at the same time it's hard to say which is responsible for the improvement but I am sure it's both as my lips and the surrounding area are much better now too. Unless something upsets my B12 working properly, my skin is generally better.
While I can now get away with occasionally doing something without my gloves on, especially in the summer time, I am frankly too scared of them being that painful again to try going without them!
In a curious addition to this I have always had appallingly bad thermo-regulation and have easily overheated or become hypothermic. Wearing the gloves has always been fine because I haven't sweated. In the last few weeks, as my body gradually becomes more well and functions more normally, I have started sweating! Maybe I will need to reduce my depenance on the gloves if my hands get hot?
I am sure if you get enough B12 and supporting supplements you will find your skin improves again.
Yep. Lips, elbows, knees, shins, bum, and that spot below the hairline on the neck. And in winter basically just all over. But: it's really getting better with the injections! Hardly need lip balm anymore, not even during the night - which is awesome. Of course, it's summer, so I'll have to see what happens in winter, but I'm hopeful
I suffer from dry skin, the Dr prescribed.. Aqueous Cream B.P..you can also buy it over the counter, and it works. I also find Suntan Lotion 50+ is very good for keeping your skin Moist as well as Stopping some of the Harmfull Rays from the Sun which can also give you Dry Skin..As we all get Older our skin Dries up..Hope this Helps
Yes. Especially on my nose. Also hands feet legs and arms. Hemp and calendula cream help me
Also putting plastic gloves on for a while to help the cream sink in
Bubble baths for eczema good too.
Stopped using bio detergent. Vaseline I find good for patches.
Thank you. I have just got some cream from the chemists. Don't know if it's any good.
OMG! This forum just keeps adding to my self knowledge! My having CONSTANTLY crunchy lips and dry skin - especially my old lady hands - I’ve never made any connections with my deficiency. I now SI fortnightly and it was with shock this week that I realised I was sweating and so should get some deodorant! And before you ask, no I wasn’t niffy, just sweaty :o)
Wow, I wondered why my hands and arms looked 30 years older than I am! Hoping the injections help, just started about a week or so ago. Also, chapped lips and receding gums, hoping these symptoms improve, too.