I posted a week or two ago because my GP had dismissed my theory of some of my MS symptoms being potentially B12 related and another doctor (whom I accidentally named in the post and had my post stopped, ahem) had responded to my email by phoning me and saying he thought I was right...
So I'd written to my GP with a well referenced letter explaining why I had disagreed with her assessment that PA and B12 deficiency had been ruled out in my case. She's just phoned me and I'm completely stunned - she'd emailed my letter to the consultant haematologist and he had agreed with me (!!) and wants to start me on trial injections every other day - he even wants me to do MMA and homocysteine tests first, although I had to tell her that unfortunately I've been supplementing since seeing her with a sublingual methylcobalamin 1000 micrograms, so she's going to tell him that and see what he says... she sounded completely humbled, wanted to know the name of Martyn Hooper's book that I'd showed her and said that she's going to find out about this and tell everyone!! I've never felt so vindicated Just hope I haven't messed everything up with my sublingual supplements. She said she would have done the same since she had basically told me I was wrong about the B12 - but I should have known better. I thought I should report a positive happening - just shows you, it's worth writing a letter if you have the energy!