How does people feel before their inj... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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How does people feel before their injection.

salsadancer profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone, just wanted to know how other people are feeling couple of weeks before their injection is due.

I am struggling 2 weeks before my injection. I have a full time job, working in a secondary school by the time the afternoon comes I am finding it very hard to keep my eyes open. In class I am falling asleep. I wake up feeling tired before my day starts, I come home and can't do any housework because I am too tired. I can sleep for 10 hours and still feel tired. I am on injections every 8 weeks. I am fed up being constantly tired. Sometimes I feel sick before my injection is due, but not actually sick.

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salsadancer profile image
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12 Replies
Jenny_wren profile image

Hi, I have sourced my own now and do my own injections, but before going to that extreme, you could try the B12 boost spray for the last few weeks before your injection. I found it was the only thing other than injections that helped me.

Secondchance profile image
Secondchance in reply to Jenny_wren


The other option is sublingual tablets 1, 2.5 or 5mg are available on amazon. I just got boost spray this week not really expecting much and have found it really helped me this week. I usually take sublingual tablets but had stupidly run out and had ordered accidentally from an American seller on amazon so took longer to deliver. I had been without for over a week and was in a real slump. Had to go to bed in afternoon, felt tired and low, which is very different to the past year since starting B12. Unexpectedly the boost really helped so now after a couple of days on it, I feel more back to myself. I am on monthly injections.

salsadancer profile image
salsadancer in reply to Jenny_wren

Thank you for your reply Jenny, think I might try the b12 spray couple of weeks before my injection is due and see if it makes a difference to my health.

n52h profile image

I realise that I have been having similar problems, this time from a month before my scheduled injection, every 12 weeks. I was only diagnosed at the end of last year but realise that I have had early stage neurological symptoms for at least 5 years.

I have noticed a real difference over the past 5 days by taking the Jarrow 5,000 sublinguals - 4 a day - I decided to go high as I was feeling so awful and there seems to be a lot of uncertainty/difference between people about how much is absorbed.

I have also bought something called shot o b12 (also 5,000) sublingual spray and a transdermal spray. I will experiment and see what works best. I take Spatone and have ordered some other supplements said to help take up of b12. (I had not realised that ferritin and folate needed to be at a highish level.)

The person I saw when I felt terrible a week ago was pretty dismissive and refused to bring the injection forward (even by 10 days), hence my ordering everything under the sun and doing a lot of research. It is obvious that I am on the wrong treatment protocol and will be discussing this with the senior GP partner. In the meantime I feel a lot happier that I can if necessary take treatment into my own hands.

turkey2014 profile image

Hi, I now have injections every eight weeks but slump after five weeks, I feel permanently nauseous , have burning mouth, I get terrible muscle fatigue, for example even carrying a handbag will cause pains in my muscles as if I have been lifting weights! In general I spend three weeks out of eight feeling as if I have the flu. I have always hated injections but I look forward to these.

MariLiz profile image

Hi salsadancer, I am the same, I've described it to my GP as like a car trying to run on a drained battery! I still can't get injections more frequently than 12 weekly, so I use the B12 Boost spray for the last few weeks. It does seem to help. Best wishes MariLiz

Chocolate41 profile image


I do the same as Mariliz my injections are every 12 but run out of energy after 8 was I use the sublingual spray and it works.

So good luck to you in whatever you decide to do.

Gudgy66 profile image


I take 5000mg Jarrow Sublingual's, and the B12 oral spray each day, and a Nasal spray once a week.Managed to get injections every two months, but doctors will not budge on that due to Nice guidelines. did some on line research, regarding sublingual methods and it seems to work for most people and it works ok for me.

Gambit62 profile image

To be honest I start to get ratty within 24 hours of a maintenance shot so treat myself and just go back for shots to keep B12 on my records. Don't think there is anyway I could get to 3 months ... I'd just be so life-less I wouldn't be able to work and so depressed that ...

pugsly profile image

I try every day when i get that feeling to have a a small power nap and a sugery drink my nurse suggested a few squeres of chocolate it does work

Ruby-Dooby profile image
Ruby-Dooby in reply to pugsly

I really do not think you appreciate that b12 CANNOT be retrieved from our diets any longer. None of us can get the vitamin our bodies need by eating dairy etc., and if you can that is super but please respect the fact that we are not able to. I am repeating this because you seem unable to comprehend our dilemmas. I suggest you widen your view a little and read and absorb other people's stories and posts.

Chancery profile image

I'm on monthly injections, but around the 3 week mark I start to get sensitivity in the area where my trigeminal neuralgia is felt. This can be as little as a twinge in my front teeth, to more insistent reminders that all is not well. I'm not aware of any other physical reminders that I need B12, possibly because I don't! But I can certainly feel it in my neuralgia. It's depressing, because normally I feel like I am in full remission, but the three-weekly nudge reminds me I might not be as well as I like to think!

P.S. If it's of interest, it takes about two days, almost to the minute, for the drug (Freudian slip! But that's what B12 is like to me, a drug that controls my pain) to kick in fully. After that I'm good for the next 3 weeks or so. I've also noticed that the more stressed I am, the more likely the pain is to breakthrough sooner and for me to be more aware of it.

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