I was recommanded & read a book written by him. He claimed he had recovered from PD. Is there anyone benefits from it?
Has anyone heard of John Coleman in Austr... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone heard of John Coleman in Australia?

Yes. I have read his book and wanted to sign up to his programme. Problem is when you come to payment you have to sign up to pay for 14 months. Not sure if you can cancel in less than that. I have summarised his book and lucille leaders nutrition one and formulated a recovery programme to suit my symptoms. Unfortunately neurologist was not interested as not drugs!
I.m trying out mucuna pruriens an indian herb taken for it. No big changes as yet.,
What John coleman says makes sense to me ..idiopathic pd caused by toxins,,pollution, pesticides, mercury,fluoride etc and childhood trauma...high adrenalin in the body over time..
Does any of that make sense to you?
Hi hilarypeta,
100% agree with you.
Where do you get mucuna pruriens? How do you know it is genuine? How long have you taken it?
I believe in natural healing. Our body should get better if we rest & calm down.
Thanks for your reply.
My neuro said amazon is usually a trusted site. I get mine frm swansons but have heard not to get it frm us on this site..so still open to know better places
Yes Suetdumpling
I have heard of John Coleman and his claims. He is a naturopathic doctor.
I have not spent much time looking on his sites because I am wary of cure claims, whether it be for PD, cancer, MS or any other condition. That is not to say he does not genuinely believe what he says. However I would be wondering who/how he . was diagnosed (we all know how difficult it can be to diagnose PD) and clear proof that his programme has worked for others.
You ask Is there anyone who benefits? Well it appears he does, as hilarypeta writes he requires a 14 month pre- payment. That is a significant commitment.
Is his treatment based on the theory that the cause is all environmental? What about the genetic link for a number of people? I think PD is a name for a number of conditions that are similar but not exactly the same so I don't think there will be one cure fits all.
Hi Hikoi,
Sure, PD is never the same with each patient's identical symptoms but everyone would be desparate to get cured!
It's easy to fall into some scams!
I think he takes into account the different symptoms. He me tions in the book that a friend recovered and used slightly different treatments.
I just listened to him o. YouTube and he doesn’t claim to have a cure. youtu.be/Jzp9YRSrxhM
I've been taking John Coleman's e-class for about 6 months. It cost around $50.00 a month and you can stop anytime you want to without any problem. The class is once a week. You also get 3 free e-books that He's written. The class is a step by step explanation of how to recover from some of the symptoms of PD. It's been very informative and I've enjoyed it, but I'm going to take a break for the summer. It''s basically what is in the book, but he goes into more detail. Truthfully, the class moved a little slow for me. I am using some of his aqua drops and going to a Bowen therapist, which is what he did. I have seen some improvement in stiffness and muscle pain by about 35% It's a life style change
of taking care of your body in a healthy way.
If you google John Coleman you'll find a ot of information about him. Hope this helps. Blessings.
Hi maryalice,
Did you order the aqua drops from him too? How often do you have the Bowen treatment. I have to wait for 3 weeks from the last session.
I did the search. I would like to get more personal reviews from other sources before I commit to the program.
Thanks to share.
Blessings to you too.
I ordered the aqua drops from Zero Point Healers at 7722 Cooper Road NW, Olympia. WA. USA. The web site is info@aquas4life.com.
I started taking Bowen Therapy once a week for about 5 weeks then I switched to every other week.
You can hear an interview with John Coleman on Parkinson's Recovery Radio on line. Let me know if I can be of any further help.
While researching this topic i found John Coleman had written on a web site some of which is below. I realised from reading that following his programme is not about being cured but about improving symptoms and it takes a long time. So it is about making a long term committment to this way of living. I'm still interested to read recovery stories, i havet found any yet.
He wrote:
......, let me be clear. I did not CURE myself of PD and MSA. I have not, cannot, and will not CURE anyone.
In fact, there is no CURE for any disease or any person in this world. Many forms of medicine can reduce or remove SYMPTOMS, but cannot cure disease..........
Western medicine offers great relief from many symptoms and can, at times, save our lives. I have benefitted from Western medicine from time to time and often recomend wise use of it to my clients.................
I agree with you about John Coleman. He is very straight forward in stating that he is not cured, but mostly symptom free. Like I said before it is a complete life style change, that takes a lot of commitment. All I can say is that what I've used from his class has helped me mostly with pain. If you want to read or hear some PD success stories google Parkinson's Recovery Radio on line..Then go to the archives. There's a lot there. Thanks for the input. Blessings.
Thanks for this Maryalice
John Coleman`s " recovery" is much debated. I read the book, and found some interesting points. I am sorry to say that I find his program too commercial. My opinion, you make your own.
Hello vadehavet, I have done just that, listened to my body and it has said to go off gluten and sugar, start the paleo diet, take up resistance exercise, walk 30 minutes a day, get plenty of sunshine, reduce stress, start yoga, take up music and singing and become creative. I have done all those things as well as added Life Extension super bio cur cumin from iherb and my condition has improved. However, I would like to learn from everyone else's experience as well, including John Coleman's, to discover whether or not what he and everyone else does works for me. As I said in an earlier post Parkinson's is it seems, a 'forever disease' and a disease of challenge, which I need to out pace or it will out pace me. Cheers have a good week
Thank you for mentioning John Coleman. I have contacted him and he says he can help me. He sounds genuine and a nice person.
Hi, I just can say with hilarypeta indicates is worth to investigate >>>> Teeth (mercury, amalgam) , pesticides , detoxification of heavy metals (not easy, you have to do it with DMPS, DMSA, alpha-lipon-acid and not to aggressive) and also check for Lyme, Yersinien, EBV, and other species who CAN influence the immune and CNS.....
Famous Doctor in German (Dr. Joachim Mutter, Konstanz), unfortunately long waiting list
( > 7 Months).
Perhaps also worth to check it (some really "spectacular" american videos) >>> Dr. Demerjian, Dr. Dwight Jennings, Dr. Brendan Stack. A bit surprising that only a few dentists do this......
So , jetzt time for my yoga, sadly also for my Madopar, and my chlorella.
When someone starts selling his disease, there is a fair chance of fraud