Was the onset of your PD preceded by any ... - Cure Parkinson's

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Was the onset of your PD preceded by any of the following::Head trauma, General anesthesia, Chemical exposure, other "Brain Insult "?

ronn profile image
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lmacquinn profile image


Jbcourcy profile image

My mother swears my PD was caused by the antidepressant Effexsor. I'm not saying she's wrong or right but there's no history on either side and I haven't been exposed to any harsh chemicals and no head injuries either.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to Jbcourcy

This is interesting Jb because about 50% of PwP get depression (statistics vary) and we know that depression is often the first sign of PD.

At the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, a study was presented concerning depression and PD. What the researchers found is that depression often precedes PD sometimes by a number of years.

Like you I'm not saying if your mother is wrong or right but could depression have been an early sign of Parkinsons for you maybe? If it was then it would mean you would already have had PD before starting any drug treatment.

LynnBabb profile image

My husbands PD started after he was injured in a car accident, He broke his back and had a serious concussion. Obviously we do not know that this was the cause but it is suspected.

Helshubby profile image

I'm almost certain my PD is linked to a mountain biking accident where i broke both wrists (ouch!!) and damaged a cycling helmet beyond repair (saved my head strangely enough) . My tremour (right index finger to start) started about 6 months after - coincidence ? don't think so !!

shasha profile image

yes i had 3 general anetics in three years oprior to my pd 2000 2001 and 2003

i also fell backwards down the stairs in 2007 and cracked a vertabra and bumped my head - dxd in jan 2010

tejas21 profile image

I grew up in S.E. Texas where it is full chemical plants & oil refinerys. Also a lot of crop dusting in the area. I think thishad something to do with it

Jash profile image

Who knows, but I spent 20 years in the Air National Guard in mid air refueling missions--jet fuel is a suspect!

Act of GOD

bunngalo profile image

from what little research i have done the 2 thing that increase your risk of getting parkinsons would be brain injury and exposure to pesticides (although i think you could broaden that to chemicals)...that said, my mom had neither of those, but she does live in this toxic soup we call the environment. I encourage people to eat organic food, use green cleaning products and organic personal care products, filter your water and filter your air. There are lots of other things you can do (like not microwave plastic etc...) but that is at least a great place to start!

PatV profile image

Looking BACK I know I showed many signs (non-swinging left arm, constipation, clutching) . What sped it up to be impeding was 2001 (thyroidectomy and 9/11 I live in NYC) and 2002 death of my son Tim. My neuro says definitely trauma speeds progression. So don't know cause but I know what kicks up progression.

fgall profile image

I was a narcotics agent in the eighties and nineties. In which we took down several Meth labs. The storage of the chemicals involved were not as restricted as there are now.Officers use Haz mat suits now where we just gathered the evidence in regular clothes. Do I know this caused pd? no but guess it does not matter now.

Kat00 profile image
Kat00 in reply to fgall

I too was on a narcotics task force around 1990. At this time they had just started addressing the link between exposure to Meth Labs and neurological diseases . It is no accident that Meth addicts develop all kinds of brain disorders, the most common being intense paranoia.We were even taught to use a machine which tests the amount of explosive fumes in the air! I was fortunate to be in on the learning curve..

While it is difficult to say that your exposure CAUSED your PD, I firmly believe the statement PD researchers make:" Genetics load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger"

Barb070 profile image

I had Cyberknife surgery to treat a schwannomma about 15 months before my diagnosis. All of my family cannot help but suspect - and none of the Doctors would even entertain the idea.

alllowercase profile image

Yes - caused by a blonde who turned out to be insured with Sheila's Wheels. Lethal combination !!! She looked the wrong way for a gap in the traffic, saw one, and booted the throttle. Then she remembered that I was in front of her when she rear ended me.

The symptoms of PD were treated as if they came from the accident, until they sent me for an EMG test, and the neurologist recognised PD. By the way - acupuncture helps those painful joints and muscles.

Adrian Williams

I started back in 1999 after my GP suggested I had depression. He gave me Prozac which I took for ten days. I then had a bad reaction and was put on Diazepam in massive doses which sedated me for two weeks, but for near two years I suffered continuous Dyskinesia the docs said it was all in the mind. The Neurologist said that also. Only one doctor told me (in the presence of another doctor) it was the Prozac that caused it, and I should get a good solicitor. He said he would write a report for me., But he was I believe warned off by the authorites, and then denied everything he said, even though I had my carer with me at the time as a witness. Not long after he was moved, the other doctor refused to make any comments, and then later could not be traced.

The formal complaints procedure by the hospital came to nothing, because no one would admit anything. they just continued being unhelpful.

I had problems with shakes, constant vibrating of the body, until I took a turn for the worse in 2010 and was diagnosed with Parkinsons.

By this time I lost all trust in the Doctors

Last time I saw my neurologist he made comments. I said it is the Prozac which has caused all this trouble .

He said ''well we are not going down that road again.''

Now it seems the Madopar has caused problems with Blood glucose, and I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Both the GP and Neurologist say nonsense, even though it quite clearly states that Madopar can cause false results in blood tests one of them being blood glucose.

I have found the doctors to be nothing but arrogant. I trust them even less now than I did.

In the USA people sued over Prozac. In the UK I was told no Solicitor will take on a drug company. unless you are very wealthy.

The Neurologist recently put me on Ropinirole with the Madopar but I took only three doses, because I got tingling in my legs they felt as if they were completely numb, I got flu like symptoms which went away next day, but returned with the next dose feeling hot and cold and unwell.

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