Does Levadopa and Azilect slow the progre... - Cure Parkinson's

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Does Levadopa and Azilect slow the progressions of PD?

40 Replies

My dad had been prescribed azilect and madapar. however, he took these for the past 10 days and now his face is so poker face and masked :( his walking hasnt improved. His speech hasnt improved. No improvment. İs this normal?

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40 Replies
Kia17 profile image


When was your dad diagnosed? How were his symptoms before taken these medications?What are his main complaints?

in reply to Kia17

He was diagnosed atleast a year ago. However he didnt take the meds properly back then. I think his shuffling walk is the MAİN symptom. Then his slurred speech. His movements are extremely slow. He wont get up and wont prepare anything for himself for instance to eat or drink. my mum serves him all the time. I dont undestand. He just prefers to sit down all the time but we do take him for a walks etc.

Kia17 profile image
Kia17 in reply to

I guess the medications dosage need to be adjusted. I assume that your dad is in early stages of the PD where Thiamine could be more effective. Why not contacting Dr Costantini for a free consultation?

M_rosew profile image
M_rosew in reply to

The two drugs have different purposes. Azilect is said to slow progress of PD, Madopar is to address low dopamine. They should give your dad enough relief to work at re-learning his walking etc (Physiotherapy). However neither will 'make' him improve without considerable effort on his part.

Not knowing what he was like before, his lack of interest may be one more PD symptom. Report it to his Neurologist or PD Nurse.

in reply to M_rosew

thank you. my dad has now been taking these meds for two weeks approximately. but he seems more fatigue and exhausted. FOR HOW long should he take these medications before we can expect to see improvement? How long does it take for the medications to work? how long should he take the meds before we see any change in him? right now he just seems worse but its only been atmost 2 it early to say the meds are actually making him worse??

SufferingSocks profile image
SufferingSocks in reply to

Steff my hubby was put on 50mg levodopa/12.5mgBenseraside when he was first diagnosed 10 weeks ago but had to go up to 100mg/25mg within 3 weeks as he needed stronger dose. However, we do know that he had symptoms for years before so perhaps your dad is the same, sad to say. Suffering Socks

ramondo4 profile image
ramondo4 in reply to

Hi steff123. It has taken five years since dx for me to reach shuffling, slurred speech, freezing, poor balance and extreme fatigue , I think it

Is just another stage of PD that you have just described for your dear dad. I hope I am wrong.

in reply to ramondo4

thank you very much. but what is worse is that when he is ON levadopa Madapar and Azilect he seems more fatigue and exhausted :( ı just wonder if the meds are making him worse

in reply to

should we change madapar to sinemet? is there any particualar difference? but the doctor did say madapar plus azilect....ı just wonder how long it takes for the meds to sink in?

grower profile image

I had to slowly increase the dose of L/dopa (madopar) over a couple of months to get to where it actually helps a bit ( I have arm swing back but no help with the bradykenesia). It seems to be a fairly instant fix of PD symptoms for some but not everyone and it's taken me several years to find what suits me. From what you've said sounds like he might perhaps be depressed and needing to feel more zest for life. Ideally you'd find an exercise that he likes, and a purpose, be it something he can achieve himself or to help others. I think it took me a year after initial diagnosis to realise that it wasn't a death sentence and I still had plenty to get on and do in life. That first year was hard on my family as well as myself though.

Good wishes to you and sounds like you're a wonderful daughter

in reply to grower

Thank you so much for your kind reply and all the kindness. I am trying to do my best for dad and dad says he is just fine but we do see that he has walking problems and bradykenesia.....I thank you very much for your good wishes

JohnPepper profile image

I don't know how old your dad is, but taking medication alone is no way to do anything about reversing Pd symptoms. If you contact me on my website, I will send you as much information on the subject as possible, at NO EXPENSE. I am not pushing any product. Read my PROFILE for more information.

in reply to JohnPepper

Dear Mr. Pepper

I went on to your website and sent you two messages...but I dont know if it reached you as I did not get any confirmation that my email reached you . Can you please let me know?

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to

I have responded to your message and look forward to hearing from you soon.

in reply to JohnPepper

Thank you so much for this, thank you

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to

Good LUCK Steff from all of us!

in reply to JohnPepper

This is awful now. My father is having memory loss :(( he cant remember things like where he was last summer etc :(( what is this??

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to

Short-term memory loss is common to aging. His memory loss could be aging or it could be due to Pd.

in reply to JohnPepper

How would I know whats causing it??

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to

Does the CAUSE MATTER? It is how we deal with it that matters. Contact me Steff by going to my website,

Hikoi profile image

Sounds like your Dad has the type of PD which is stiffness rather than tremor dominant. Usually it does not respond as dramatically to levadopa ( ie sinemet or Madopar). PD is debilitating and if he has just started meds it will take sometime to get the mix right. He may never get back to walking how he used to but with your continued encouragement I’msure he will do OK.

in reply to Hikoi

thank you so much

If levodopa continues to have no effect or a negative effect it may be that your Father's diagnosis needs to be reconsidered to one of PSP or MSA.

in reply to

Thank you I will bear that in mind

in reply to

My dad ia having memory loss..:((

Bless your dad.

Memory loss may be signalling Lewy Body Dementia. You really need to seek medical help as we are not doctors.

in reply to

Thank you. I have already taken my dad to two movement speciaist nurologists. They looked at his mr scan and said its parkinsonism plus. But ever since these meds his memory has become worse

in reply to This might help.

in reply to

Thank you

You are welcome. The link explains that PD meds often have no effect on Parkinson Plus. I guess this is your experience.

in reply to

I guess so thanks alot. But the thing is ever since azilect and madapar he has become confused and his memory has gone worse. I have brought my dad to summer vacation to our usual summer house but as soon as we got out of the car he said 'where are we npw?" that was scary. I wonder if the 10 hours travel by car made him worse?

jeffreyn profile image

Hi Steff,

What dosage of Madopar have you got him on at the moment? How long has he been on that dosage?

When did you start the Azilect?


in reply to jeffreyn

He had a skin rash last friday. So the doctor said i should cut both madapar and azilect. Today he fell onto the floor and bumped his head. I am very worried

SufferingSocks profile image

So sorry Steff for your worries with your Dad - you sound like a wonderful caring daughter - memory loss is fairly common as we age - sounds like a bit of dementia but your doctor or neurologist will verify that. I wish you all the very best in caring for your Dad, hope you get some help to assist you with it. Suffering Socks (Mrs)

in reply to SufferingSocks

Thank you so much. I am in shock as dad just fell to the floor this night. I hope he hasnt injured his head

SufferingSocks profile image

That is a worry for you steff123 - I'd get him to a doctor who can deal with Parkinsons Plus to know what medications he needs to be on. Suffering Socks

Thank you so much. I called the nurologist apparantely he is away abroad. I left him a message but we cant talk to him

SufferingSocks profile image

I'd be taking him to another neurologist steff123 to get some help. You need help now! Good luck with it, feel so sorry for you. Suffering Socks

Hikoi profile image


If your dad has parkinsons plus it sounds like he is getting worse quite quickly and as you have found there is no medication that helps him. J Pepper’s fast walking would be impossible for him. He needs you to keep him safe and loved and you need support to care for him.

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