‘Tangalin’ important information! - Cure Parkinson's

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‘Tangalin’ important information!

PDTom profile image
40 Replies

‘Tangalin’ important information!

Here is a video of Prof Oertel who made the groundbreaking discovery! Unfortunately it is in German but you can display and translate the subtitles!

Here is the video:


Here is the link to my homepage (German)


Here is the ‘Datscan’ of the two patients!

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PDTom profile image
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40 Replies
PDTom profile image

DATScan Patient 2

PDTom profile image

DatScan P1

P 1
Gcf51 profile image

Been discussed before healthunlocked.com/cure-par...

Gcf51 profile image
Gcf51 in reply to Gcf51

There was a down side healthunlocked.com/cure-par...

Boscoejean profile image

Is the topic covered in the video RBD?

Boscoejean profile image

Is this the topic covered in this video?


A sensational observation: A modified amino acid stops the onset of Parkinson’s disease in its early stage


gomelgo profile image
gomelgo in reply to Boscoejean

I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for your posts Boscoejean . I find videos posted that are two hours long and in German absolutely daunting. Thank you for synthesizing.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to Boscoejean


Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Boscoejean

Yes it is.   Boscoejean

As   PDTom writes in his blog, from about minute 60 onwards.

But it's in German with English subtitles.

It won't be a walk in the park!


Special thanks to PDTom for sharing this very nice and interesting news.

Rufous2 profile image

For the "inquiring minds" in our midst.....an explanation of 3 possible mechanisms of action of Tanganil. curesyngap1.org/blog/drug-r...

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to Rufous2

Thank you. This is good information, although not definitive.


The exact mechanism by which acetyl-leucine is mediating its therapeutic effect is still unknown. The mechanisms reviewed here may potentially contribute to the reported neurological improvement either individually or the mechanisms could be synergistic.

michelagvolpe profile image

Please, next month tell us the result of your experiment with Tanganil step by step.

Thank you!

Rufous2 profile image

Tom, will you be able to get a Dat Scan to see what kind of tangible results the Tanganil has?

PDTom profile image
PDTom in reply to Rufous2

I did a Datscan in January 2021. I'm not planning to do another one. It's too dangerous for my health. I'll know when Tanganil is working.

Motorman profile image
Motorman in reply to PDTom

Taganil is available over the counter in France and is pretty cheap. I cannot find anywhere in th UK that sells it, any suggestions?

Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to PDTom

How about the other test Prof Oertel uses, the FDG-PET?

Gisel profile image
Gisel in reply to Rufous2


Positron emission tomography (PET) of the brain with the radioactively labeled glucose analog F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose

Boscoejean profile image
Boscoejean in reply to PDTom

is Ioflupane I 123 Injection the aspect of Datscan that is concerning?

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Boscoejean

hi Boscoejean,

The the DAT-SPECT scan is an examination with a slightly radioactive contrast medium that is not dangerous, but patients are somewhat hesitant to undergo it. It is a very expensive test (around €1200), and to compare two dat-scans, they must be performed with the same camera, meaning the same equipment, which the scientists of the study have done very thoroughly.

In Italy, it is routinely used to confirm the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease with the symptoms.

quote from the study:

“ The DAT-SPECT procedure including the acquisition and reconstructions of the DAT-SPECT scans has been published 7-39 (see also Section D in Supplementary Information). Apart from the last DAT-SPECT of patient 1 performed in 09/2023, all DAT-SPECT investigations were performed in the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Marburg. Thus, the DAT-SPECT scans of patient 1 in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019, and 2022 and the DAT SPECT scans of patient 2 in 2020 and 2023 were carried out on the same SPECT camera. “


In my opinion if you don't understand how a dat-scan works you can't fully understand this study

Boscoejean profile image
Boscoejean in reply to Gioc

Hi Gioc, I had heard of datscan in the past so I was wondering about the substance used. The neurologist my husband saw in 2017 had him have a brain scan which involved using gadolinium. Two or three hours later he came down with a serious case of shingles so we never knew if it was the gadolinium or just exposure at the hospital where he had the procedure that may have created the conditions where shingles would happen. It does however make us hesitant about the injections used to accomplish these scans.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Boscoejean

I'm sorry for this adverse reaction your husband had.

the DAT-SPECT scan is a specific test for Parkinson's disease that measures the density of dopamine receptors in the brain. It is used to confirm the diagnosis of Parkinson's based on symptoms.

In my opinion, the relevant point here is that it is an objective test that rules out the possibility that the improvement is due to a placebo effect , but we are talking of REM sleep behavior disorder, not Parkinson's disease yet.

Boscoejean profile image
Boscoejean in reply to Gioc


Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to Gioc

"In my opinion, the relevant point here is that it is an objective test that rules out the possibility that the improvement is due to a placebo effect , but we are talking of REM sleep behavior disorder, not Parkinson's disease yet."

Precisely, Gioc, but PDTom has PD, not RBD! That is why I asked him if he intends to have any such tests done after he has taken Tanganil for a while. As hyped up as he is about this compound, and by embarking on this trial in the spotlight of the internet, he's virtually certain to experience a placebo effect.

PDTom profile image
PDTom in reply to Rufous2

There are some people I know who are now taking Tanganil. We'll find out more in a few weeks' time. And in a few months we will know if it is permanent. If the number of people taking Tanganil increases and report the same thing, it will become a self-runner.

I haven't taken any medication since my diagnosis in December 2020 and am almost symptom-free! I am fully trained and here is my data scan from January 2021. I assume that this has hardly changed to this day, as I have demonstrably stopped Parkinson's with my alternative healing methods.

‘On 29 April 2024, only 20 out of a maximum of 199 points were measured according to MDS-UPDRS! About three years earlier, on 21 July 2021, 18 points were measured!’

PDTom profile image
PDTom in reply to PDTom


Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Rufous2

Yes Rufous,

I noticed you were trolling here.

REM sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) in a large percentage turns into PD over time, and this is studied by datscan.

RBD is often early stage Parkinson's. If you read the study and watched the video, you should know because the researchers explains it well.

Do you have a datscan? I assume not, because your comments make it sound like you don't understand much about how a Dat scan works in Parkinson's and therefore how can you interpret the study if you don't know the context.

Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to Gioc

I do understand what a DatScan is, and understand that the brilliance of this study is that D-scan and FDG-PET were performed, removing most concern about placebo effect. It is a very encouraging observation in two people with RBD, but we're a long way from knowing that Tanganil will be safe, much less effective in PD. One of the two study participants suffered (measurable) cognitive decline during the study, and the researchers themselves said they will not be using Tanganil in future studies.

With his expectations in the clouds, it seems inevitable that PDTom will have a robust placebo response. He's already intimating that Tanganil is "working." Hundreds, if not thousands of people are likely to follow suit..... all based on one person's subjective experience. I simply asked if he intended to obtain any hard evidence before launching that ship.

My spouse has RBD, one of their siblings has late stage PD, and another sibling has an as-yet-unidentified neurological disorder. If anyone wants this "treatment" to pan out it's me, but I don't want false hope. If tempering expectations is "trolling" ....gimme a bridge.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Rufous2

Uh! I see that you have a lot of certainty (more than me or anyone else for sure ) about the facts in question, but also a lot of certainty about the future actions or events of other people.

I'm sure that after careful reflection e in-depth analysis, you might find a little self-criticism in what you've written in this thread.


Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to Gioc

"I'm sure that after careful reflection...."

It appears to be you who is speaking in absolutes, not me. But I'll tell you what.....since I have no agenda or "cure du jour" to promote, I will henceforth confine my activity on CP to lurking. 👋

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Rufous2

Already? A bit extreme.

I find it extreme that you can judge this research as ‘cure de jour.’

Do you understand who Dr W. Oertel is?



have you seen Tom's video in this thread from minute 60 and minute 1h:14?

I'm just asking you this: could you watch the video on YouTube before talking about propaganda and undermining this research of W.Oertel and Tom trying it .

Some Quote from you about this study:

”With his expectations in the clouds, it seems inevitable that PDTom will have a robust placebo response.”

Another one :

“As hyped up as he is about this compound, and by embarking on this trial in the spotlight of the internet, he's virtually certain to experience a placebo effect.”

What wonderful certainties, but why have researchers never thought of this? This would be the solution to the annoying placebo effect.

No!, that’s not the case!!!

How sad.

Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to Gioc

You are totally misconstruing everything I've said. I read the study carefully several times, including the supplemental material. I also watched the video. And if you read my previous posts you will see I referred to the brilliance of this study. I very much respect the authors and their conclusions.

What I have a problem with, is those who would make the gargantuan leap to concluding that this drug is safe for, and should be taken by, people with Parkinson's.....and then crow it from the rooftop. If you personally believe that is the case and want to try it for yourself.....fine. Just do it. Then report on it later, if and when you actually know something.

This "Tanganil campaign" of PDTom's borders on promotional. What.....everyone's supposed to wait with bated breath for him to pass judgement on it? He already claims to be beating PD, so how on earth will he "know it's working" if he doesn't have any imaging done? Bah!

I'm a skeptic by nature and thought there was a place here for healthy skepticism, but I can see I was wrong. So thank you, Gioc, for pointing out the error of my ways. I was spending way too much time here.

PDTom profile image
PDTom in reply to Rufous2

Advertising? Do you want to be saved or not! :-)

That's what the forum is for, to discuss and exchange opinions.

This time we are lucky that we will know in a few weeks whether it works!

The pessimists can also wait two or three years until the official studies confirm it.

Just be happy that others are already gaining experience...

Nothing in human history has ever been discovered through pessimism.

I'm not doing this for fun. I've become a multi-millionaire on my own and I'm not earning any money here!

I want to help people and profit from other ideas myself.

Werbung? Wollt ihr gerettet werden oder nicht! :-)

Dafür ist doch das Forum da, um zu diskutieren und Meinungen auszutauschen.

Diesmal haben wir das Glück, das wir in weinigen Wochen wissen werden ob es funktioniert!

Die Pessimisten können auch zwei, drei Jahre warten bis die offiziellen Studien es bestätigen.

Einfach froh sein das andere schon mal Erfahrungen sammeln...

Durch Pessimismus ist in der Menschengeschichte noch nichts entdeckt worden.

Ich mach das hier ja nicht zu spaß. Ich bin eigenständig Multimillionär geworden und ich verdiene hier ja kein Geld!

Ich will den Menschen helfen und von anderen Ideen selbst profitieren.

Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to PDTom

A multi-millionaire, how nice for you, congratulations! Perhaps you will consider funding Dr. Oertel's follow-up study with N-acetyl-L-leucine. He was practically begging for donations on the video you posted. Or maybe you would consider fund-raising for him. I'd donate if a secure site was made available, and I suspect others would too.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Rufous2

You can't do fundraising here.

it's against the rules.

Bah!i have to explain you everything.

Anyway Tom has already made a donation look the video (yes another time ) on YouTube and read comments then apologize .


Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Rufous2

I don't misconstruing because , I have PD, but I'm not stupid, I don't have a cognitive deficit.😁

I can’t do the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) designed for the rapid screening of mild cognitive impairment because I wouldn't be able to draw a cube as required for the tremor in my hands.

But you don't know this because even though you've read the research several times you don't know the real context, you don't have PD, you don't understand what the MoCA test is , and that it doesn't measure "decline" , how you said. MoCa misure the condition that above 26 points is considered normal, below is considered cognitive deficit, that is, it has a cut-off point = 26.

The same goes for the datscan, the datscan is done in the presence of symptoms and serves only to confirm a diagnosis because it is an imprecise test. So it's not that the datscan shows an improvement, but in this case, in the presence of improvements in the symptoms, the datscan image objectively confirms them. So simply comparing two datscans doesn't prove anything . In a PD case like Tom's or mine, you would always see two almost equal points because 70% of the cells are dead.

That's why they preferred to study two cases of RBD with what a good probability they are prodromal cases of Parkinson's,but they still have a lot of neurons.

But did you read the study? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Is acetyl-dl-leucine not safe? Strange because it is a drug approved over the counter for over 40 years for hypotension and dizziness ( two symptoms of PD) and researchers here do not report adverse events, so on what basis do you say otherwise? You are trolling us?🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

No you definitely did not understand this study, you probably do not understand the context and do not know the fundamentals also .

I assure you that there is no campaign in favor of a drug that they only sell in France, I do not think they need it.

This is propaganda and it is very nice to read for a Person with Parkinson’s:


Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to Gioc

I can't make sense of 95% of what you've said Gioc. But I did have an epiphany, as you predicted I would.

People will believe what they want to believe, and I should save my breath. 😉

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to Rufous2

Sooner or later you will find a sense to everything. Everyone has their own speed.

But I see a light at the end of the tunnel…

in the end we will understand each other.


Discogs_discogs profile image

Are there any more studies or only this two-person study from University of Marburg?

Rufous2 profile image
Rufous2 in reply to Discogs_discogs

I'm not aware of any others. In the video posted above, Dr. Oertel says he is trying to raise the funds to conduct a follow-up study. The video is in German and the subtitles are sketchy, but I believe he says the study would involve 30 people;15 with RBD and 15 with early Parkinson's. I think he also says that if fundraising goes well, it could start in March.

Sydney75 profile image

this is not supposed to be taken longer than 2 months

Not what you're looking for?

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