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Cure Parkinson's

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22 Replies

Parkinson's Movement has 12,302 members. I find they are members only in the last five years.

Of these members, who has Parkinson's the longest?

22 Replies
jujulini profile image

symptoms started 16 yrs ago, diagnosed 12 yrs ago. doing much better past 6 months. at my last neuro visit, he told me - "you must be doing something right". i attribute it to minimum of meds, homeopathy, mannitol. and hopefully the thiamine (just started today).

rebtar profile image
rebtar in reply to jujulini

Could you share what you've been doing with homeopathy?

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to rebtar

i have tried many remedies & potentcies, but what i found is working best for me now is arsenicum album 1m & zincum metallicum 10m. i think after i see how the thiamine is working, i will increase the arsenicum to 10m. the homeopathy has really helped with the mental & emotional issues - brain fag, apathy, concentration, depression, anxiety. my physical symptoms are improving also. i have very little "off time". treatment with homeopathy is individualized & specific to each person. so, what works for me may not work for someone else.

rebtar profile image
rebtar in reply to jujulini


MylovedhasPd profile image
MylovedhasPd in reply to jujulini

Thanks for sharing on homeopathy - just to say I believe there are 300 remedies available to the homeopath, from which s/he will tailor to every individual. This will encourage anyone seeking to feel as good, and empowered, as you obviously are to go for a private consultation.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to MylovedhasPd

yes they should. unfortunately insurance does not cover it. i have a friend that is a homeopath (i still had to pay), and i learned alot from her. but i have also done alot of reading & independent study over the years. i have seen many remarkable things using homeopathy with my family & pets, and i truly believe that the body can heal itself given the right environment.

JANVAN profile image
JANVAN in reply to jujulini

hi, where do you live and can you say something about the kind of homeopathy your friend is doing (which education he has ?)

Thanks in advance `^^!!

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to JANVAN

i live in buffalo, ny. and joette calabrese (homeopath) did also. but she has recently moved to florida. i have included a link.

JANVAN profile image
JANVAN in reply to jujulini

Thank you very much, unfortunately not possible to me, because I'm living in Europe.......and besides that, I didn't heard much other cases who had benefit

of homeopathy ..?...

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to JANVAN

shes does consultations via skype or facetime or something, and the initial conversation is free.

Gioc profile image

There were about 10,000 Parkinson's Movement members at the end of January 2018. Growth of 20% in 4 months. A nice interest.

alexask profile image
alexask in reply to Gioc

Or is that because there are many more getting Parkinson's? It wouldn't surprise me. I think the widespread adoption of technology, combined with everyone getting into more worrying debt may lead to a Parkinson's epidemic.

Still think this is the best site, although many of us are acting as guinea pigs with all the supplements and vitamins we are taking.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to alexask

everyone has his hobbies, I honestly would do without being here to read, try to understand the life of brain cells and so on. but I do it to survive the PD, which is quite devastating.

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to alexask

Maybe Dr Costantini has started using his remarkable results as part of a research study whose results can be published. That would be wonderful and to widespread advantage.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to M1tz1

Costantini explained and recounted widely in various radio interviews, on the web about how he came to the use of b1. Unfortunately they are all in Italian and it is beautiful story that starts from an observation of a case of chronic fatigue resolved with a dose of B1. I'm short because I know you'll understand: Beyond this episode Costantini is a doctor who has spent his life in the rehabilitation of patients with neurodegerative diseases at the forefront of a clinic in contact with the sick and knows their suffering. Only in this position can you really understand what is important and how to use something. In all his subsequent research the mouses are never present, clear the concept? Always with respect and friendship for all. Gio

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to Gioc

i know. i saw them and was disappointed that i couldnt have them translated.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to jujulini

It would be enough to do it the. 1% of money that the government of the region where I live spends on the stamps to send everyone the publicity of their services useless for the chronically ill just arrived today. Bah!

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to Gioc

Many, many thanks, Gio.

NancyJHP profile image

I was drawn to this site last year when I was googling for answers, trying to help myself. I started taking the B1 yesterday and I feel great. I got so much done around the house. So many health sites prohibit people from posting home remedies such as vitamins. If we don't help ourselves, no one else will. The big charities pay for research but are they looking for a cure that may not involve a prescription medication? Doubt it. I am too young to get social security, getting disability won't even cover my house payment - even if I qualify. I have no spouse or significant other. All I can do is try to get myself in the best condition possible so I can keep living and plodding along. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the tips and suggestions. You guys are the best.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to NancyJHP

You Nancy are the best! :-)

Ask a doctor Costantini if ​​you have difficulty, he will be happy to help you, I'm sure.

LAJ12345 profile image

VITSDISC is today’s code for 20% off vitacost

Hikoi profile image


I think there was a significant upgrade in the system used at HU about 5 yrs ago so it appears that membership is only for 5 years but I believe that number is really since the site opened.

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