A much better explanation of calciums rol... - Cure Parkinson's

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A much better explanation of calciums role in Parkinson's

parkie13 profile image
15 Replies


Very interesting

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parkie13 profile image
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15 Replies
annmariebaird profile image

You always post the greatest article thank you

Do or don't take calcium? I suppose the simple answer was what my doctor said. At my age, will not do me good.

aspergerian13 profile image

This seems just as important as the calcium finding:

"More recent studies have revealed that Parkinson's also affects brain cells that do not produce dopamine, which might explain why some of the symptoms are not movement-related."

Greenday profile image
Greenday in reply to aspergerian13

"Recent findings indicate that α-synuclein pathology spreads into the brain and can affect the peripheral autonomic and somatic nervous system. Indeed, monomeric, oligomeric, and fibrillary α-synuclein can move from cell to cell and can trigger the aggregation of the endogenous protein in recipient neurons. This novel “prion-like” behavior could further contribute to synaptic failure in PD and other synucleinopathies "


aspergerian13 profile image
aspergerian13 in reply to aspergerian13

I returned to they original press release URL a while ago. The quote I presented yesterday seems to have been removed. Shucks.

aspergerian13 profile image
aspergerian13 in reply to aspergerian13

I just now revisited the url. The quote I called attention to is either back online or I missed it on my initial revisit.

Gioc profile image

Title "Thiamine and oxidants interact to modify cellular calcium stores"


alexask profile image
alexask in reply to Gioc

Good find. Maybe that's why thiamine works. This site is like a virtual human supercomputer, with the members trawling the internet to see what might help. Of course we may pull up the odd rubber boot, but you may have found a very decent nugget of truth there.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to alexask

The relation between calcium and thiamine is obvious for person like me that use so high dose since two years.Some things are empirically knows.

KERRINGTON profile image
KERRINGTON in reply to Gioc

Hi, can you tell me the dose, and what you see the greatest benefit has been to you after 2 years. Thanks !

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to KERRINGTON

You can get many other informations in this site and other search " Dr. Costantini" and "thiamine".

aspergerian profile image

Good find. If my memory is working , Costantini cites Lonsdale 2006 in at least one study.

A Review of the Biochemistry, Metabolism and Clinical Benefits of Thiamin(e) and Its Derivatives.

Derrick Lonsdale.


stepan13 profile image

thank you. especially i enjoied the internal link medicalxpress.com/news/2017...

Oceanwind profile image

Thanks for posting this interesting article. Does anyone know what this means in terms of ingesting calcium in our food? (which I thought we're supposed to do as we get older, to fortify our bones etc.) Does too much calcium shown concentrated in the brain mean too much in ingested from our diet? I actually worry that I don't have enough calcium in my diet already, as I've cut down on dairy because I gathered that milk and cheese was not so good for a PWP.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to Oceanwind

You can get lots of calcium from your veggies. I don't think that you can overdose by eating. I think that calcium supplementation might make rigidity worse, you can even get muscle cramps and deposits in your circulatory system

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