Michael J. Fox Losing ‘Heartbreaking’ Fig... - Cure Parkinson's

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Michael J. Fox Losing ‘Heartbreaking’ Fight Against Parkinson’s Disease

21 Replies


Michael J. Fox is a tragic shell of his former self and so crippled by Parkinson’s disease that he needs help getting into a car. On Feb. 15, the reclusive 54-year-old actor tried to enjoy a rare night out with his actress wife Tracy Pollan at the Hollywood restaurant Craig’s.

As Pollan followed, the stricken Back to the Future star, whose speech is slurred and who walks with a limp while dragging his left foot, was put into the vehicle by several helpers.“It was heartbreaking,” an insider told RadarOnline.com. “Michael’s bravery knows no bounds. But as the disease takes its toll on his body, even he is beginning to see that his battle is a losing one.”

Tragically, Parkinson’s will soon rob Fox of the ability to walk and force him into a wheelchair — something experts say could happen before the actor turns 60.

They also warned Fox may also be facing a struggle with dementia as a result of the disease, which savages the central nervous system.

Michael sees every day as a gift, as well as an opportunity to help other sufferers,” said the insider. “His Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research has done so much and has raised millions of dollars, but a cure remains well out of reach.”

Fox revealed his battle with the condition in 1998 after having brain surgery to ease his shaking.

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21 Replies
12stargate profile image

Hidden  I am so very sorry to hear this!!!!!!!!

God bless Micheael Fox!!!!!!

And to the rest of us, don't give up the fight!!!!

Peace,Eva G.

racerCP profile image

Michael j fox has done more than one human being can dream of doing for Parkinson's.  Forever grateful.  You are my hero and always look good to me.

Court profile image
Court in reply to racerCP

So sad for Michael j Fox.  He has done and still is doing so much to fight Parkinsons for us all.  I will be forever grateful to him, and yes, he is my hero, too.

BillDavid profile image

A Perspective  I take offense at this  characterization, I ended up principally in a wheel chair, a  couple of years ago.  Recall the TEDxGlasgow talk on intentional Medicine.  My expectation is to dance with my wife again one day..  work posture and gatt with walker.  Can 4 Gait (MOVE IT), and even Free Walk LSVT BIG) some.  Of course, this represents adapted mobility,  That is good enough for me..   As one might assume, endurance is an issue.  Where do the people who put together this kind of tabloid journalism come from?   Where does such morbid expectations for M J Fox come from? 

Actually this is very serious,  Research clearly shows that outcomes for  disease are predictive from patient and care giver expectations, good or bad.   Planning a celebration when I am again able to dance with my wife (will be country two stepping)

Both my Neurologist and physical Therapist are on a confirm guest list


.   .     .

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to BillDavid

Really - tabloid journalism at its worst.

Noella21 profile image
Noella21 in reply to BillDavid

I had the same reaction. 

FMundo profile image
FMundo in reply to BillDavid

Amen! Well said. Michael J Fox's contribution to PD, beyond the vast amount of money collected for research, has been his upbeat spirit, joyous approach (laugh at himself and with the disease) and his energy and positive attitude. To characterize his situation in this negative way is a great disservice to him and those of us who have PD.

This article sounds like was written for the National Inquirer.

Joanne_Joyce profile image

I am really hoping that he was just having an off period and the person who reported this didn't know  know that in one day we can go from being almost helpless to fairly normal depending on the timing of our meds. Has anyone seen him since? 

stevie3 profile image

I dislike this sensationalist kind of reporting and it perpetuates the 'brave victim' model of illness the press likes to use, not just for PD but many other illnesses and conditions which is not remotely helpful. And Michael Fox, who has done so much to live well and positively for so long, does not deserve this. With friends like 'the insider' mentioned in this piece, who needs enemies? 

zawy profile image

I just posted a more balanced report on Michael J Fox's condition.  It does seem like this was bad reporting.

beang profile image

Hmmm. Speculation, emotion-triggering adjectives, and anonymous quotes seem to be at the heart of this story.  The approach of "Life is awful, then you die.", is counterproductive for me. 

12stargate profile image
12stargate in reply to beang

beang  Yes, just a little critical thinking tells one there is speculation going on from the journalist. How can any say someone will be in a wheelchair or predict any awful thing? Nobody can tell the future. Michael may be cured by the time he is 60.

Keep on warriors, the battle we can win.

Peace, Eva G.

JuneBug2020 profile image

There is a response to this report on the website Snopes.com. Snopes is a website that fact checks many internet stories. I have the link here. It should give some perspective. 


RobertoOcana profile image
RobertoOcana in reply to JuneBug2020

If one have read so far, MUST read the published link of Snopes, highly recommend 

Bonnie51462 profile image

I actually responded to this on their website, I find it disheartening that some 'insider' would provide such a statement, more likely the person who wrote the story...He probably had an off day (we all know them well) and someone took it out of context I saw him a few months ago on tv I forget what show, while he wasn't break dancing he was far from falling apart...We all likw to look our best for the world to put on a brave face but some days I bitc*, this man deserves more than some bs story of how he's on his last legs...if he moves to a chair I will support his choice why because we all know that may lay ahead of us and it's not giving up when it keeps us mobile...My Mom thinks I am surrendering by using my scooter or chair sometimes...but if it keeps me 'moving'....

JohnPepper profile image

Hi Royprop. I may sound very presumptive and I know that I am very pushy, but I have tried very hard to speak to Michael, as I am sure I can help him, even still. I have said in this blog before that I have even been able to successfully show people in wheelchairs, how to walk properly.

I don't know if I can help Michael. I don't charge anyhthing for what I do. I have even successfully done it over the telephone and on Skype, and it worked each time.

What has Michael got to lose? I can do it through a go-between, I do not have to speak to him personally. If he would like to find out more about it perhaps he, or somebody close to him can write to me at my email address: johnpepper@telkomsa.net.

I am not looking for publicity and I don't need public recognition if it works.

Give it a try! What has he got to lose?


mymomhaspd profile image
mymomhaspd in reply to JohnPepper


I know there are people with a multitude of opinions out there.. but I believe in the power of exercise . However, as I mentioned eartlier after a fall amonth ago , mom is completely wheel chair bound - she used to go the bathroom walking and she hasn't even been able to do that add to this dyskinesia and the latest daytime sleepiness. Very heart wrenching and frustrating to see this .. trying everything - mucana , NAC , coconut oil, vit c , b12 - d .. etc haven't seen a change yet ..

Noella21 profile image

Micheal has not let Parkinson's determine who he is. A wonderful example of helping others. Parkinson's is only a fraction of this great individual. There is so much more to all of us than our physical limitations.

Each one of us fight a different kind of PD. Michael has taken his very public life with this disease and made it into a vehicle where funding raised through his foundation allows research which may save us and if not us then the next generation. He is a hero and has many who love and admire him.

Beckey profile image

I am a veteran journalist with many awards to my credit, and I found this so-called "news story" infuriating. Using unnamed sources is frowned upon by credible publications, and done only when the source faces real dangers if identified (death, imprisonment, deportation, job loss). The reason for that is that the reader has no way of knowing whether the writer invented the alleged source. As for the website itself, lord! I don't know if there are words colorful enough. Purple prose meets yellow journalism? News reports don't speculate or use words like "tragically" that imply a point of view. 

I'm filled with despair because the news business has lost nearly 40,000 reporters over the last five years as newspapers have hit the chopping block, while websites like these that have no apparent standards have proliferated. :-(

klmdoc profile image

The original doom-and-gloom story is worthless. Michael was just having an off episode -- in fact, 2 weeks later he was photographed (several times = no photoshop!) pulling his wheeled luggage thru the airport with NO problem and mixing it up with some fool who was rude to Tracy. I've had the great pleasure of meeting with and talking with MJF a couple times thanks to my daughter who was a founding member of TEAM FOX. MJF is the real thing. Don't believe what the tabloids say! (Caution: commercial announcement: My daughter, Madison, won an MJF Team Fox MVP Award six consecutive years and another award from MJFF that I can't remember. Her best-selling Christmas CD is a huge hit and EVERY PENNY of what she earns from its sales goes to the MJFF. See/sample/order on


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