Parkinson's and gum infections. - Cure Parkinson's

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Parkinson's and gum infections.

Bitsy profile image
34 Replies

Hi everyone, did any of you have a gum infection, root canal therapy or implant before they got Parkinson's?  Just curious. Cheers have a great day. Bitsy

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Bitsy profile image
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34 Replies
Beckey profile image

Abcess (1), root canal (4), bridge (1) but no implants. Are you thinking of mercury?

Bitsy profile image
Bitsy in reply to Beckey

No bacterial toxins. xo

12stargate profile image
12stargate in reply to Beckey

I am having the mercury taken out too!

Marcia123 profile image
Marcia123 in reply to Beckey

Dental pathogen Treponema denticola requires thiamine to survive... travels during dental procedures

BUZZ1397 profile image

I've had an abscess twice in my life, both times had a root canal surgery. Years before PD. You suspect a PD relationship with oral surgery, eh? 

Bitsy profile image
Bitsy in reply to BUZZ1397

There is a connection between cancers, neurological disease and bacterial toxins - I will post it xo

pushkin profile image


lauralizzie profile image

Yes I have had root canal treatment and an abcess. Currently waiting to have an infected tooth removed which I know is making my PD symptoms worse.

Bitsy profile image
Bitsy in reply to lauralizzie

That's interesting - there is supposed to be an issue with bacterial toxins - hope it all improves xo

12stargate profile image
12stargate in reply to lauralizzie

When this last molar that I was supposed to have capped, and did not do it in time, half of it fell out.

Pd got worse!!

I could not get to a dentist fast enought.

The extraction site was very sore longer than 'normal.'

They put a boneimplant from a cadaver in along with my blood, to grow new bone to then put an extension in.

Putting the little screw into the bone will cost $1,700!

I don't know yet how much putting on the extention will cost.

I have had more trouble with my teeth since Pd.

Ramuu profile image

I. have 4 RCs and 1 Bridge, long before PD. But I know many who have multiple RCs and Bridges from the same dental clinic  doing well

Bitsy profile image
Bitsy in reply to Ramuu

Yes, it only takes one non example to disprove the rule xo

Ramuu profile image
Ramuu in reply to Bitsy

Most of the cases of PD occurs in beyond 50 years of age, you know by then  99 % of the population either had tooth filling, root canals or bridges !!.   Yes , we all know either genetic mutation, pesticides, other toxins or even unknown reasons can cause PD . It is shear bad luck we are in this 1% PD population. In vedic term; it is know as  " KARMA " : ; I am sure all preachings have some name for this.  If we look at from other angle, we are also cause for new medicines, research, challenges put forth by creator of the universe.

Bitsy profile image
Bitsy in reply to Ramuu

Yes you are right there, thanks for replying xo

Donzim profile image
Donzim in reply to Ramuu

well, as our old accountant used to say, 'What goes around, comes around'.

Ramuu profile image
Ramuu in reply to Donzim

Absolute truth !!! ; let  us  face it  bravely !!

Dinolulu profile image

My husband has had 2 or 3 root canals and 5 implants - all before being diagnosed - no abscesses or infections.

Bitsy profile image
Bitsy in reply to Dinolulu

Thanks for replying.  That's interesting if there were no infections xo

Bailey_Texas profile image

Most of the people in the world would have PD if a bad tooth causes it. 

Bitsy profile image

Yes that does seem logical xo

trumble profile image

Yes, one root canal as a result of a broken tooth ... but no follow up infection.

bluiebray profile image

Bitsy, please post article. My husband has terrible teeth. They her repaired. They break and fall out. Etc. Etc.

Will love to read.


Bitsy profile image
Bitsy in reply to bluiebray

I have posted it now xo

12stargate profile image
12stargate in reply to Bitsy

@Bitsy where is  the article?

Thanks, Eva:)

bluiebray profile image
bluiebray in reply to bluiebray

Thanks for the article! Very informative.

clajac profile image

My husband has perfect teeth, no fillings, no extractions, no root canals, no gum disease, no infections, heck he doesn't even have wisdom teeth!  :-)

Donzim profile image

one of the problems with PDers is that they often don't swallow all the food in their mouths, leaving it to decay.  your dentist can recommend an anti cavity toothpaste.  CoQ10 (ubiquinol) is a sure bet to avoid gum problems (an unexpected side effect).  plenty of vit  C with bioflavanoids helps in avoiding infections.

12stargate profile image

I had one rootcanal before PD.

Since dx I have had 2 extractions, the second one to be an implant at an astronomical price!!

cflloyd profile image

I do not see the article posted.  Would you post it again?  Thanks!

jerisoyer8 profile image

Yes, had many

jerisoyer8 profile image

I too, can't see article. Hubby had multiple root canals, gum disease, many fillings. In fact, other than his mouth problems, he was in such excellent health, he got a special life insurance policy only a few his age were able to get. I definitely think there is a link, I did think it was all the mercury, never thought bacteria. I now make home made tooth polish, and he uses peroxide in his water pic. 

Bitsy profile image

Here is the link again I posted it under 'everyone'. Cheers Bitsy

margie profile image

I had gum infections and then implants after being diagnosed with PD.

Pelley profile image

I have had my share of dental work in my life. I am in agreement with Ramuu. We all feel the natural human reaction to blame something, or someone for our shared situation. Inside we all have our own belief of what "caused" our PD. The problem is that alone doesn't cure, or help anyone. Acceptance is the key. It by no means should make any of us roll over and die. It is the realization that all we can control of any situation, (PD included), is or own reaction to it.

TFU! While I appreciate thinking "out of the box" for solutions, I also can't believe that my PD caused my increase in hangnails or ingrown toenails!

If we find commonality in our experiences, strength in coping, and hope for the future here, we've succeeded !

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