Back and Leg Pain: My 73 year old mother... - Cure Parkinson's

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Back and Leg Pain

Kelle profile image
10 Replies

My 73 year old mother was diagnosed with Parkinsons last summer. We saw the onset of it over the last few years but, she was in denial. Now she has terrible back pain low back in particular. Her hand shake so much that she can no longer write a check. And on top of it has the crying symptom and loss of speech. Is there anyone that has any examples of things that have helped for any or all of the symptoms. It quick onset of these symptoms I believe are so, scary for both of my parents who have always lived life to the fullest, have been active, and very social. I am willing to spare no expense with my time and with what I can afford to give my mom some ray of hope as I see in the first time in my 45 years scared and feels like she is a burden.

I have noticed in some of the blogs that B-12 may have a role in some of the symptoms. If anyone has any follow up to the issue of B-12 both success and otherwise, I would be so thankful for any tips and tools you can provide.

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Kelle profile image
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10 Replies
laglag profile image


What Parkinson's meds is she on? Sounds like she might need to take an anti-depressant, at least until she can become more accepting of the disease. Does she exercise? Denial is one of the worst things for PD. If you could get her to a good support group, that might help her also. The sooner she accepts it, the sooner she can do something about it. PD is not fun, but you have to make the best of it because it's not going to go away. I was diagnosed 13 yrs. ago at 46 & I'm still doing fairly well. I keep active by doing non-contact boxing that is strictly for PwP's & their caregivers & it's a type of support group also ( . There are boxers aged from 30 - 92. You could go with her & it would be fun & a good workout for both of you & you could spend time together. Or go walking, dancing or some type of active exercise. Sitting at home & doing nothing will NOT help. I would talk to her doctor about the B12.

Good luck.

marion11005 profile image

Mirtazipine is a good antidepressant particularly for PWP. Other types may make her tremors worse. If she has parkinson's she should be on medication. If she is and isn't improving, she needs to have it adjusted. If she can, she should see a movement disorder Dr. If her neurologist is not addressing her condition to her satisfaction, get to a movement disorder center ASAP. It takes a while to get an appt.

Wjohn profile image

Reference the speech issues. Have a word with your PD nurse and he/She should be able to arrange therapy with a speech therapist. This helped myself as people were having difficulties hearing me due to being very softly spoken. Good luck.

BillDavid profile image


The recommendations by laglag are right on track. Personally for speech I would add LSVT LOUD. These will begin to address the symptoms. You mentioned in your post the most important thing that your parents need which is hope. This in part ties into the depression. What I recommend you to consider doing is to research their healthcare providers and Support Group Facilitators. You could start by looking into the support groups that it might be an option to attend. Interview the Leaders, visit the groups. What you are looking for individuals who believe that PWP can impact their circumstances, can delay their symptoms, can adapt successfully to life challenges. In support groups like this, encouragement, and yes, even hope is contagious. This is what you want your parents to catch! Unfortunately this does

not describe all groups. You need to attend to find out what is going on

Next, their Doctor, who treats the PD, Neurologist or Movement Specialist will be critical. You want a doctor who believes your mother is going to adapt well to her, situation, can and will make a difference in her life with exercise and other adaptations mentioned by laglag. You want a Doctor who believes their are other solutions besides drugs and recommends this such as Physical Therapy which will be critical for maintenance of strength and flexibility. You don't' want a Doctor who only believes in medication for PD, or does not believe in your Mother's opportunities. In the support group I attend struggles as well as victories are shared. Knowing I am not alone with a struggle and that others have found solutions, how can I do less. It is contagious.

Your parents are indeed fortunate to have you in their lives, you can direct them to those who have hope.


TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to BillDavid

Totally agree.

metacognito profile image

I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago and have managed first to lessen symptoms such as tremors and imbalance issues, then keep them to a minimum thus far with a collection of natural supplements (dopamine/glutathione precursors and neuroprotective antioxidants) in combination with moderate but regular aerobic activity.

You don't mention whether your mother is currently using medications of any kind but, since Parkinson's leaves us short on dopamine producing neurons, that shortage needs to be addressed first and foremost in order to mitigate the worst effects of the condition. Most doctors will prescribe a levadopa/carbidopa combo of some sort or MAO inhibitors. I personally use an extract of the natural alternative 'Mucuna Pruriens' to serve a similar purpose. For a good list of natural supplements and neuroprotective agents - many of which I have found VERY helpful - follow this link:

tobykeith profile image

If you can fimd a facility that offer LSVT big and loud therapy I highly recommend it. It also includes vocal therapy. She can start holding to a chair if standing is a problem. It is one on one for 16 sessions. It has been proven to be very helpful for Parkinson's patients. I am 75 and was diagnosed a year ago. I was walking with a cane, before the therapy and can now walk without it.

TL500 profile image

Please see fightingparkinsonsdrugfree....

Many people get results at various levels.

Hope it will help your mom.

wifeofparky profile image

Has she been prescribed PD meds? If so, is she taking them as directed and properly? Perhaps you can go to her next appointment with her and express your concerns. She may be unable to describe what is going on so that her doctor understands.

serg profile image

There is HOPE wait for the PD cure

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