Movement or Lack There Of and Weak Legs - Cure Parkinson's

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Movement or Lack There Of and Weak Legs

tlongmire profile image
26 Replies

Have you ever been standing or sitting and just feel so tired you don't want to move. You are aware of everything going on around you, but you just don't want to move. When I get tired of standing or sittng like that I can make myself move.

Also, lately I've been getting a tingling feeling in my legs and feet. It just happens and it doesn't seem to be tied to anthing I'm doing, pills or what I've eaten or drank, My legs also get very tired and almost feel weak but I can still walk.

Lastly, one minute I can be fine and the next minute I am totally exhausted. I mean to the point where I need to sit or laydown.

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tlongmire profile image
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26 Replies
rons profile image

Yes like that now

grammieof3 profile image

Happens all the time I was diagnosid in 2005 was surprised how little is said about leg pain

Anemone profile image
Anemone in reply to grammieof3

Me too.

haydn74 profile image

My brother in law has had PD for 12 yrs, and lately now and then his legs just seem to sag, so has to be still or sit down This happens just now and then but he gets veery frustrated which is normal, but on the whole his medication controls his PD. Goodluck

cknicely profile image

since 2003 right after cancer treatment. got worse for years spastic movement all over now if over tired or walk or sit to long. I have savella and gabapintin and the generic for flexaril. all that together got control back in 2012. Now loosing control again. legs actually pull up in to a fetal position almost and i have posturing of hands and arms. now believe it or not I got some things after much whining to the doctor. I got ankle and knee braces as well as arthritis gloves. I wrap my legs so it keeps the liquids down. that lesser amount of water weight and less pressure from the water has dropped the pain level from 8-9 to 3-4 for a great amount of time daily. can't explain it but i also have fibromyalgia, I am a severe diabetic as well as have several nuerological problems that point to chemicals use to exfoliate drug fields in central and south america. try if you can to take little rest breaks each day a couple an hour if you can and it will amaze you how it lets you maintain a power level. again don't know why it works but it does for me. Good luck.

Cags3 profile image

I have a real problem with weak legs. So much so that I find it hard to walk . It is not all the time but quite a few times during the week. I have to use a stick when this happens. I also get very tired but I do have disturbed sleep at night.

Nettiepie profile image
Nettiepie in reply to Cags3

How are your legs now? I have been rx for nine months with PD but i have terribly weak legs . I dont read anywhere that this is a symptom...

Cags3 profile image
Cags3 in reply to Nettiepie

I have been told it is part of the PD. They are still bad.

hunnypot profile image

Welcome to my world of PD!!! when it first happened it scared me (it still does a little). I find it very frustrating - to the point that I had to watch getting depressed. It's better now. My neurologist actually rx me a nap during the day. Good luck. Let us know how things go - I'll be thinking of you. Have a goo day.

shasha profile image

hello terri , yes,yes yes. i can be walking with the help of fred almost normaly and then the next minute i am staggering and almost falling .... just all part of the wonderful world of PSP AND PD I GUESS - and my legs are soo weak too ...

ldq1997 profile image

With respect to your tingling legs, I am almost sure you have bad circulation. I have had a lot of trouble with circulation in my legs and the answer is to walk, walk and walk some more. It is interesting how walking seems to help, if not cure, this condition. But the minute you stop walking, it comes back again. My circulatory problem apparently has nothing to do with Parkinson's. I had it long before any suggestion of Parkinson"s. Maybe it is genetic. Walking is also wonderful exercise for Parkinson's. I have found walking on a treadmill most useful. On a treadmill you have supports to hold onto, both in front and on the sides, so any balance problems are minimized.

CJ49 profile image
CJ49 in reply to ldq1997

I agree, a treadmill does help the brain make more dopamine, which helps curb symptoms.

reverett123 profile image

We have been trained to ride off after the latest miracle drug and simply skip the cheap, effective, and easy. How long has it been since your neuro checked your electrolytes? You know - potassium, magnesium, and a half-dozen others. He hasn't? You mean that your doc has failed to check something incredibly common, dirt cheap, and a set of symptoms that match PD right down the line?

Well, I'm sure that he has talked to you about the B-vitamins. About how they are water soluble and have to be replenished from your diet each day. And about how they all (a dozen or so) interact and you have to have them all every day. And how if you don't you end up with weak rubbery legs, cramps, curly toes, etc. Just like PD.

I hope my sarcasm came through, because I know that most of us have never been checked for such basic data. It is almost criminal.


tlongmire profile image
tlongmire in reply to reverett123

Thanks Rick, I'll definitely have that checked out.

Lindylanka profile image
Lindylanka in reply to reverett123

So agree with this, I am learning more about it every day - the hard way. But also agree that walking is the way forward. The only thing wrong with this is I am so affected that I cannot walk far at all. Which leaves me with the option of a treadmill, and if people know what a trad. english 2-up 2-down is like, space is at an absolute premium, but still i know what I need, and basically PD makes us slow and unmotivated to move, which brings on this state. I am still hoping for that triumph of will over frailty....... :-)

tlongmire profile image

Thanks everyone for your comments. :-) :-)

paddyfields profile image

Vitamin B12 deficiency (leading to pernicious anaemia) is said to be more common amongst PWP's although it is defo.more common in the over 70's (UK/US give figures of 1 in 4 down to 1 in 10) which may or may not be part of the story. I am 73 and asked for screening for B12 as I was having vague symptoms a bit like flu for a year or more gradually getting more marked as well as tiredness which could be the PD. B12 is not part of the regular blood screening and I turned out to be well below the wide range of "Normal" for this vit. I have been put on to 1 a week by 5 weeks B12 shots and thereafter they will check my blood again when it almost certain I will be given regular injections on a three konthhly basis. The upshot of this is that I am not increasing the PD meds just yet as was on the cards..

tlongmire profile image
tlongmire in reply to paddyfields


Lindylanka profile image
Lindylanka in reply to paddyfields

If you find the 3 months gap too long, then do your research, the British formulary has guidelines that allow for more frequent dosing if necessary. Good luck with the treatments, and hope they make a difference.

paddyfields profile image
paddyfields in reply to Lindylanka

Thanks Lindylanka - today the practice nurse said that if necessary can be injected more frequently than three months. Incidentally, when first tested my B12 was way below normal in spite of the fact that I take an over 70's multivitamin which gives five times the rda of B12. This deficiency may be why my rate of bone loss has accelerated relative to my peers in spite of all the extra walking I have been doing in the open air. My bone density was above ave. for my age a few years ago and now its not so good. If you google B12 and osteoporosis there's a lot on this connection. I asked for vitD check as well, but apparently they won't (at least where I live) test for Vit.D unless you show a deficiency in calcium.. .

paddyfields profile image

Nordic walking takes some of the pressure off your legs and exercises the whole body and obviously with two poles you are more steady. Other advantages of the proper technique are longer strides and an upright stance. Many local authorities are sponsoring nordic walking groups and they don't cost much except for the initial 4 week course they require you to take to learn the technique and then you get a card which assures the leader of any group that you have done the course. I always use two poles now even walking with my rambler friends. I have had to drop some of the walks I used to do because I simply can't go fast enough for long uninterrupted periods (repetition of movement and age I suppose)) and if I try, I do my hips no good at all.although I can do the distance at my own pace. If you go at a challenging pace for an hour as the organised nordic groups do, it seems to me to offer some of the benefits of forced pace cycling.

Percy-Parkie profile image

Yes I too feel like that many times and my legs or feet do not want to move if I have been sat for a while or I get out of bed. The big problem is I do not suffer from PD but my hubby does but only since last December. He does fine on his meds he is nearly like his old self just gets tetchy now and again for no reason, He is on Azilect 1 per morning and Madopar 12.5mg in a pattern Of 2-1-2-1 everyday and they are supposed go up to 4 equal doses in October so that will be 25 mg every 4 hours during the day. He takes nothing else and does not see the need at the moment. Could anyone tell me if the meds have worked so well on him because of his early stages or will he start having problems once he has been on the full dose? Any info is greatly appreciated as I am a novice in this department and Hubby is not interested as he is feeling great. But for how long?? Stay well all. Thanks for listening. Linda

Gnome1 profile image

I was diagnosed with neuropathy long before I was diagnosed with PD. My hands and feet

resemble dystonia, tight, hard muscles and mal formed foot and fingers with severe cramping, tenderness and pain. Leg strength is diminished but not too bad but I can't rise

from a sitting position unless the chair has arms or grab holds are near by, My balance

Is very poor and unreliable. Requip is good for RLS and maybe more but I don't know which

symptoms are due to PD and which are a separate condition called neuropathy. The

doctors seem inclined to say that It's just ny PD acting like PD. My face, lips, nose and

throat are paralyzed in part and my bowels and urinary.controls are mostly gone. Perhaps this would be a better blog than an answer. thomasPD2


ramondo4 profile image
ramondo4 in reply to Gnome1

Yes!!! Gnome1 this Periphial Neuropathy is almost worse

than PD. Good luck.

Landry profile image

Yes......yes.....I have same symptoms.

mktbob55 profile image

Welcome to PD. The gift that keeps on giving

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