Following many tests my F Elastise has shown high levels so I'm waiting for a CT scan and appointment at the Gastrointestinal dept at the hospital. Must admit I'm worried about the outcome. I already deal with Rhuemtoid Arthritis. I've read there is a higher risk of pancreatic problems and RA.
Hi new to the group. : Following many... - Chronic Pancreati...
Hi new to the group.

Try not to worry so you don't get to your appointment feeling stressed and maybe forget the questions you wanted to ask. Also maybe take someone with you because from my own experience I have come out of the doctors office and forgotten most of the things they said. There are lots of people here to advise and support you if you do get bad news. I wish you the best of luck! Let us know if you need us!!

Thank you much appreciated. I'm on the urgent list to see a Consultant but there's a back log.

Welcome to the group, and I hope your appointment goes well. I second Mazzmo, in that it would be good to go with a second person or write things down during your visit. We're here to support you if you do get diagnosed with pancreatitis. Mission: Cure also has some toolkits and resources available, if you ever need them:
Hi Skye_MC. I wasn't aware of that toolkit I've saved it as I think it would also be a great help for me, so thanks very much, that two of us you've helped today. Best wishes from Marion.x
Thank you and for the link. Just a waiting game now. NHS urgent list has a backlog of patients waiting to be seen. My husband will be coming with me. My GP has put in for a CAT scan in the meantime.
I thought high elastase was good? Above 250 is what my doctor told me.