My name is Line Caes, and I am an Associate Professor in Psychology at the University of Stirling.
In collaboration with Happyr Health ( and The National Migraine Centre (, I am working on a project, funded by Innovate UK, to design an innovative digital pain management programme for young adults with chronic pain (aged between 18 – 25 years of age).
To do this the right way, we need the input from young adults about their experiences with pain management (i.e., what is working well, what is missing, what a digital platform could offer, …).
Participating involves taking part in an online group interview or individual interview, via Microsoft Teams, to share your experiences. These interviews will last approximately 1 hour. To thank you for your time you will receive a £20 online voucher!
To see more details or to sign up you can visit or scan the QR code in the attached flyer.