Sleep and Chronic Pain
Lifestyle plays a pivotal role in our overall wellbeing. Factors including sleep, pain intensity, mood and diet have significant importance when considering overall wellbeing. Pain and sleep disturbances often come hand in hand. A lack of sleep makes functioning during the day all that more difficult, not to mention the impact it has on coping with pain throughout the day. Pain can also impact how sleep is experienced for a multitude of reasons such as waking during the night or struggling to fall asleep. It may also contribute to a lesser quality of sleep if you do manage to sleep throughout the night
Researchers have already discovered that mood impacts sleep as an individual component. A lack of good quality sleep is linked to a worsened mood, similarly a higher pain intensity is linked to a worsened mood. Overall, these factors co-occuring make it much more difficult to cope with pain and increase stress levels. An important part of that may also be the food that we eat. For example, currently it’s known that caffiene has a detrimental effect on our sleep quality, which then has a knock on effect on the intensity of pain.
Fortunately, being able to understand these interactions allows for better-informed pain management.
An investigation into Sleep, Diet and Chronic Pain
I am an undergraduate BSc Applied Psychology student at Glasgow Caledonian University. I am conducting research into the interactions between chronic pain, sleep disturbances and diet. I am looking for volunteers over the age of 18 with chronic pain (recurring or persistent pain for at least three months) to take part. This is important as it will provide a better understanding of how lifestyle factors may contribute to the experience of chronic pain. To take part, participants should be aged 18 or over with no diagnosis of diabetes, pregnancy, or an eating disorder. The study should take between 10-15 minutes to complete. Please follow if you would like to participate. Alternatively, you can contact for further information!