Looking for advice or personal experiences from people. Last April, during height of initial Covid panic, I suffered a slipped disc which was not operated on, now I know this has caused Incomplete CES (CESI), (impaired perineal sensation, left side only and some sphincter problems but retains voluntary control of initiating and stopping toileting ). I also have left leg weakness and am undergoing physiotherapy.
Whilst my pain has subsided I have been left with life changing effects and am still being monitored by the consultant, under my request. In a recent telephone appointment he indicated that operation not really an option as a discectomy is performed for pain relief and this was not offered during my time of excruciating agony!
Anyway this is where I need your input. I asked the consultant recently if because of my situation am I at greater risk of developing CES retention (CESR), a paralysed, insensate bladder and increased weakness or paralysis/numbness on a bilateral basis. He said not- but in my head that just doesn't make any sense. I feel one step away from impending doom and as a result I refrain from pushing myself physically towards the pursuits I have enjoyed in the past such as running and strenuous exercises classes.
Would welcome any input and feedback as to IF I am at increased of further life changing effects due to back health during the last 12 months.
Finally, I following latest MRI - Nov 20, I have been told that nerve is not being impacted as much as previous scans had shown. However, recently I have felt increasing presure in the saddle region where I have numbness. Does anyone know if my nerve is beyond feeling pain if it is again being squashed by my disc? Or would the pain return if I was in trouble again??
Thank you in advance for anyone who reaches out to me, any information or experiences welcomed to help me understand my situation and if I should consider an operation in the future (historically I have wanted to avoid an op at all costs... now I'm not so sure).