I’ve been vaping for a few years 3-4ish to be exact. I’m 20 years old as well and I was laying in bed watching a movie I hit my vape and my heart started to beat not hard per say but like just really weird after I hit my vape. I searched it up and everything led to heart palpitations. But can nicotine be the cause of them?? That’s the only time I get them or if I’m overwhelmed (which currently I am). But I’ve had a ekg in the pass a stress test and one other test done on my heart and nothing out of the usual so I’m assuming it’s just the vaping and stress causing heart palpitations atleast I hope
Heart palpitations while vaping: I’ve been... - Pain Concern
Heart palpitations while vaping
Stop using the vape..then u will probably have answers .
If you would care to do the research you will find the side effects from vaping can be more devastating than Tabaco! You do realize it can destroy your lungs and you're health.
Put your body under stress and it will let you know.
Don't heed the warning and your health will suffer.
People are experiencing health related problems from vaping around the world.
You have a lifetime ahead don't ruin it for a few moments of self indulgence trying to be "cool", or what ever it is called these days.
Do yourself a favor and stop while you can, you won't be getting another body anytime soon.
I 100% agree with you but sadly I’m addicted and I’ve been trying to stop
I always found that when the need to stop became more important than the craving it was relatively easy to go cold turkey. My incentive was my health, nothing more important than that. Always found easing back really didn't work for me as the amount varied through the thought of just one more wouldn't hurt. That just one more kept me hooked. My last addiction was coke cola 2 liters a day, innocuous as it seems it has destroyed my kidneys and eaten the bones leaving me with CKD and Osteoporosis. Faced with the cold hard facts of what I had achieved with my body made it easy to stop, immediately. The hardest part was disposing of the hoard of stashed bottles. Seems not a lot of people know what to do with 30 bottles of coke at one time!
It is not easy stopping an addiction but you at least know the consequences of continuance. Good luck and keep trying to get off it.