About 7 months ago I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. I went back to neurologist for follow up a few days ago and he prescribed me another medication to try. I'm still not confident in the diagnosis but he said it's different for everybody. My pain is a dull aching constant pain on my face but also my head mostly back and also neck hurts all the way down to my mid back. I dont have pain with the wind or cold or anything that I've read what it's like for people. Does anyone have symptoms similar to mine. Also what medication gives the most relief
Trigeminal neuralgia : About 7 months ago I was... - Pain Concern
Trigeminal neuralgia
See a McTimony chiropractor and Alexander Technique teacher. The cause for your problem may be muscle behaviour related. It just unfortunate that neurologists do not explore pressure on nerves caused by faulty muscle behaviour.
Faulty muscle behaviour lies in the brain. The brain needs to be educated into how to move better. Lack of sleep prevents the fine tuning of muscle behaviour. So if pain is interfering with sleep ways need to found to get more sleep. McTimony chiropractor will help get rid of micro cramps if any are present. Lessons from an Alexander Technique teacher will help prevent things that are causing muscle behaviour problems.
The face pain may be trigeminal neuralgia but the back of head, neck and back sounds like it could be muscular. Try some stretches or ask your GP for a physio referral. If you can at least get rid of one pain that will help you deal with the other ones. Good luck.