Hi, how bad does the pain need to be to get referred to a pain clinic? I suffer with chronic migraines and take metroprolol as a preventative and dispersable aspirin for an attack, nether of which really work..
Pain clinic: Hi, how bad does the pain need to... - Pain Concern
Pain clinic

Have you tried acupuncture you need at least 6 sessions
I tired Acupunture a couple of years ago and it worked for a couple of days but nothing more 😕
We had a Chinese Doctor at my old practice she did acupuncture when she left she advised me to see a physiotherapist as most of these acupuncture clinics were not good.
I found this guy who is a physiotherapist who did acupuncture he was doing work on my lower back I told him about the headaches he put needles in my neck after 6 sessions it was fantastic I go for a top up as when needed.
I'm not sure where you live but I have his contact details if you need them
If it interferes with your quality of life, get help! You might also be a candidate for a neurology consult. In the US where I live, the best headache clinic is in the neurology department.

I se a neurologist but he hasn't suggested a pain clinic (if they are different things?)
May I ask how often you have these attacks and over what length of time have you had them?
How often have you been back to your GP?
How long ago did you start your medication and have you told the doctor that you are not getting relief?
Have you had your head scanned? I would consider all these factors would be an important lead up before the GP would refer you to a pain clinic.
Hi moonie, I have had these attscks for the last 5 years. I got to my gp about every month or so depending on how things are. I have been on this medication 9 months m, and both my neurologist and gp no the medication isn't helping, but I'm such a people pleaser I suck at telling them just how bad it is.
Iv had 4 mri over the years (they lost my 2 scans, then found an abnormality on the 3rd so iv had a 4th)
I am sorry to hear that. I was lucky in that when the MRI found a naughty i was admitted and the lump was removed.
You are going to be strong. Face up to facts. It might just be a small clot that can be dissolved with one injection into your tummy. Then you will be well and pain free.
I am sure you realise that it could be a bit more serious. Whenever i have been ill i have always worried about it. Then in the end i go to the doc because I am so scared that if i leave it will get worse. I was very frightened about my headpains. Some times i was taking a nap and i would just wake up screaming. I would try pills. Ice packs. I even bought those reusable mini gold ball ice cubes. I bought 4 packs of them and kept them frozen so that i could pour them into a ziplock bag and mould it to my head. I could only think that this whatever it was going to kill me.
In the end the pain was because the growth was wrapping around the blood vessels.
It is only my advise and you have to make your choice. I would be pushing as hard as i could to get the problem fully investigated as soon as possible.
Feeling for you, Moonie
It's not the severity of the pain but the length of time you have had it that is the criteria for the pain clinic. It sounds as if you might benefit but depending on the area you live there are different ways they operate. Certainly ask your GP but be aware there is o ten a ling waiting list.
Ask your Doctor if he thinks the pain clinic would be helpful, I was referred to from the Hospital because when they found out I could be paralysed by my condition and there was only a very risky operation which they would only try as a last result, but if you don't keep going back to your Doctor he may assume that the last medication he gave is helping you.
Clinical real.
I too suffer from migraines, I take a number of meds as preventaves - none the ones you are taking. I tried acupuncture, it worked at first, but then it did not work at all. I found it was not worth the cost
You should just ask your primary doctors or neurologist for a referral.
I have asked for a referral but they said it wasn't worth my time
You should say to let you be the judge of that since it is your body. Probably right about acupuncture.
Yeh I've asked two doctors and they have both said no..
I tried Acupunture as well but found it didn't improve enough for it to be with it. However acupunture during a sports massage really is! Those muscles that get tightened from migraines get such a release! (Even if that does then cause migraines for a few days..)