Faceless consulting by text...: I was in a car... - Pain Concern

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Faceless consulting by text...

4 Replies

I was in a car crash in 1997 and suffered trauma to my head and neck. After my assessment at hospital the consultant told me that my neck was 'all but broken... But not actually broken' - his words not mine. I had swelling / bruising to the brain and the optic nerves took some sort of damage too. 7 years later I broke my back in 5 places and left me in a horrible state. I have suffered intense and debilitating migraine, seizures, loss of vision, loss of mobility in my neck and permanent constant pain. Having waited a month for X-Ray results I have just received a text out of hours from my doctors surgery saying 'latest test results have been checked, no further action required' Where do you go with that? I don't imagine my pain or my insomnia that comes with it, nor do I imagine the whole days spent immobile through migraine. Oh and I don't imagine the depression I live with. I feel lost after 19 years of pain.

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4 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

All that text says is that the xray is clear ( or inconclusive).

You are still suffering pain- and still need that sorted.

Can you get a referral to a pain clinic or such ( depending on where you are)

Don't give up-this is just another milestone on your road to recovery. Pain is such a complex area , that it may take a long while to get relief.

Good luck with your next step.

darrenseuk profile image

Morning Pete.

I don't have any answers for you and I can only relate to part of what you are going through. For me there was no crash it was headaches that got worse in my neck then shoulder then hand then last year for kicks it went into my left hip and now I can't walk anymore.

What I do know wothout a doubt is that we are not imagining the pain or the depression it causes or even the anxiety we get from the worry and stress that no one believes what is happening to us.

Last year was when I got a diagonosis of Chronicle regional pain syndrome and I seem to have be rail roaded into medication and talking Therapy. Mainly as they do not know how to cure it. They just give you the pain meds and make sure you don't end it all by counselling.

I have also learnt that we have to fight for time with doctors and become experts of our own illness and at times you will lead the way for what the GP does for you. Read what you can. List the things you want to try. Like if you think there is another cause get a referral and get tests done. Rule them out even for your own piece of mind.

I am never pain free even with the meds they want me to take, the tramadol and morphine they give me but it takes the edge off and I handle the rest.

Get a referral to your local pain team. They offer councilling (does help), extended Physio theory and alternative treatments. They will believe you straight away and make you feel better. But it's a long process and a lot of commitment.

I had a referral to neurology for a scan to rule out other causes. They did an MRI but that was 4 weeks ago and no contact since. I can only assume it was clear and that I am off back to the pain team but at least I have ruled out that possibility and I don't have to think about it again.

Keep your chin up and stay strong and if you need a chat. Come on here and there is always someone here to listen

Kind regards


RAYJAYC profile image

Hi Pete

Technology is great for somethings, notso great for others!!!! I understand your frustration & upset of a seemingly uncaring text; as if to say "right, there's nowt wrong there so don't be bothering us again"!!!

Unfortunately, with us 'special folk', a clear result of any test doesn't actually mean or solve anything so a generalised text like that won't make you feel any better or relieved.

We on here know you don't imagine anything; do you attend a Pain Clinic? See a psychiatrist? Psychologist? Counsellor?

Apologies if you've already posted about those things, I've not been on here for a while (fighting my own battles) but they're worth considering?! No they can't magically make everything better but they might be a start; if anything, to get a medication review or some other therapies underway?!

Don't take the text; I think that wording is awful & useless.....


Coastwalker profile image

Hi Pete, neck and/or head trauma bring can bring on Hypothyroidism, (Low thyroid)

Not saying this is what you have, but an idea to rule it out.

Hypothyroidism (Low thyroid) also known as Low FT4 and low FT3 symptoms include Brain fog,which some describe as a permanent headache. Depression, vision problems pains and insomnia, I believe seizures are also connected too. Not saying all your symptoms are low thyroid connected, but I would be getting a printout of any bloods done or ask for more to be done or even get them privately done, (I can give you a list of bloods needed) ask for or get a printout of all bloods done and their ranges and pop them up on Thyroid UK here on Health Unlocked for members to guide you forward, do not accept 'NORMAL' bloods, or be told there is nothing wrong with you from your Doctor when you have presenting thyroid symptoms. Doctors are not good at spotting thyroid patients and not good at treating them either.

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