I suddenly feel tired and a headache comes on every day about 2pm for roughly two hours, what can I do to help myself ? I seem to have tried everything. Any ideas
Mrs: I suddenly feel tired and a headache comes... - Pain Concern
Hello Clouting.
You don't say how old you are or if you have any conditions which require medication.
Surprisingly though it is the bodies natural time clock to sleep between 2 and 4 in the afternoon We don't listen to it as it reates problems with sleep at night. Or if at work.
It is perfectly natural and your body teling you it is tired! If you can sleep then fine. I f not then some sort of distraction, walk, exercise - even knotting should help you to get through it
Pat x
Thank you for your reply. I am 80 years old and was on steroid for 10 ten years until I paid to see a consultant who said I had not got TemporalArteritus which I was being treated for. After a ultrasound on my head and a scan of my neck he said I have three discs touching on a nerve which radiates to me head. Why is this comes on most days at about 2pm ?. I am going to try drinking more water which has been recommended on line.
Hi,have you tried drinking more water,even put a slice of lemon in. Since I started doing this,4yrs ago I haven't had a headache or migraine which I used to suffer regulary with since. You could be dehydrated . My husband has the same problem and he drinks very little water even after a walk.
Thank you for your reply. I will try starting tomorrow drinking more water in the morning, I generally only have a cup of coffee about 10.30 until lunch at 1pm. when I have a cup of tea.
Drink of water is good advice. If you feel thirsty you are already 10% dehydrated. It's much easier to try and get into a routine of topping up water - half glass every hour or so, or sip from a bottle during the day. Also blood sugars may have dipped - try a healthy snack too.
If you work at a screen all day, could be eye strain. Check light levels and screen glare. Maybe position is wrong for the afternoon sun. Is the room too warm/cold?
Assess what you are doing at 2pm - is this causing it?
Try not to focus on it too much. Thinking about pain causes pain and sets it as a habit.
I have read some of your responses to other repliers.
The cause of the problem may be that you get a little tired and tighten the muscles in your neck and back. Tightening muscles will pull the discs against the nerve with the result of pain.
If you see an Alexander teacher they may be able to show you ways of preventing this.
Another thing that can happen is that you bang the nerve. The nerve inflames a bit leaving less space between the nerves and the disk. The result pain until the inflammation dies down. The dying down of the inflamation could take an hour or more.
You do not have pain all the time so you appear to have the problem reasonably under control. You just need a little bit of help to determine what it is you doing at 2 pm which is causing the problem. An Alexander Teacher will help you develop the skills needed to see what it is you are doing which is causing you pain and discomfort.
Hope this helps.
Thank you John. I will have a look on line for an Alexander Teacher. I am fairly new to this area so do not know the help that is around here. I have had Acupuncture for a while but could not find the cure there. My Doctor has increased Amitriptyline this week which helped a little today.