The brand new series of Airing Pain begins 3rd February!!! Look out for more info coming soon....
Airing Pain is back! : The brand new series of... - Pain Concern
Airing Pain is back!
Hermes 123. As far as I am concerned, unless one goes to GP. to request something being done and you happen to forget to mention another associated problem needs attention,
getting on for nearly fifty years of pain problems, must of acquired a massive file on my pain life, but I do wonder if any one has ever tried to collate my lifetimes file to see what is going on. So many questions so few answers, its all about the now and me trying to be the expert at times with no knowledgeable training what so ever, only a life time of experience what is going on with me. As a house owner I get no assistants what so ever nor do I receive benefits and one just over the minimum pension, I hardly have enough for my own funeral, yes funny as it may seem to some people, owning one own house dose not make one rich its a ever ending repair bill for something or the other. Twice a week at Age UK. is my limit off entertainment.