I've just come off Letrazole and have agreed to... - My Ovacome
I've just come off Letrazole and have agreed to try a phase one clinical trial, has anyone else been part of a trial?

Am about to start a phase 2 trial in a couple of weeks, so can't really comment on a phase 1? However, if, after chatting to your oncologist, and all sounds safe - ish - then I would say go for it!! What have you got to lose? Good luck what ever you decide x
Chat to the oncologist, I think you will be better monitored than you are now even and if you aren't happy you can always stop. and try something else
How long were you on Letrozole and how effective was it. I have just started.
Good luck
love Suex

Thanks Suex I was taking Letrozole for 13 months and felt great, unfortunately my CT scan in January showed that it has stopped working for me so we need to find something else. Fingers crossed I have some good news about a trial on Wednesday. Hope you get on well with the Letrozole, best wishes xx
Hi. I'm just about to start a Phase 1 trial at the Royal Marsden. The prof there was very reassuring although it seems nothing is guaranteed - less than a 10% chance of finding something to help. Worth trying anything though and especially if it can help others beat this disease. Do let us know how you get on. Good luck!
Hetty x
Hi. Yes Prof Kaye is the man and how nice is he! I have a 2C (poss) mucinous OC, again a rare one which is probably why we are there! I have to have some radiotherapy first but may see you there in a few weeks.
Hetty x
My oncologist in Bath was Prof Kaye's senior reg at the Marsden before she came to us 2 years ago. She is great and speaks very highly of him.
Good luck again for tomorrow and keep in touch
Sue xx

Thank you x
Yes, I am currently on a Phase II clinical trial with The Marsden. I started the trial in November 2011 and hopefully will remain on it until disease progression or my general health doesn't meet the trial criteria. When I can no longer stay on the trial I will be boo hooing on here.
Read everything you can about your trial, I have heard that there are some new targeted therapy trials coming along. Good Luck