Just been diagnosed with stage 3c, begin chemo ... - My Ovacome

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Just been diagnosed with stage 3c, begin chemo in next 2weeks, looking for someone going /gone through similar?

Jersey-girl profile image
25 Replies
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Jersey-girl profile image
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25 Replies

Hi there,

Welcome to the club no one wants to join! I had surgery then 6 chemos 3yrs ago. Mine was 3c, grade 3. I've been in remission since finishing treatment.

I was 53 when diagnosed and the bottom fell out of my world - but you find your way through. Just remember; it's a diagnosis; not a death sentence!

Very best wishes,


Jersey-girl profile image

Thank you so much Isadora, that is a really good way to look at it, and nice to speak to someone else who has been through it -cheers :-)

Also diagnosed Stage 3 very recently (Feb), on Thursday started chemo, expecting 4 cycles, then surgery and more chemo. I think that is the plan anyway!

Whippit profile image

Dear Jersey Girl, I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in April 2011. Had a radical hysterectomy, and 6 cycles of carbo-platin. Tumours were rather spread out at first - all disappeared from view by the end of the treatment. I was also Stage 3c and with the most aggressive type of tumour. I'm now back at work full tim and I treated myself to a skiing holiday a couple of weeks back. I wasn't told all this stuff about Stages and grades to start with and I'm not sure I wanted that much detail. I wouldn't't worry about it for the moment as everyone is different.

This is a wonderful community where you'll make good friends. Concentrate now on keeping as well as you can. You're amongst good friends, Let us know how younget on. Loads of love xxx Annie

I can only say I've had the most blessed year.

Jersey-girl profile image

I already feel part of a big 'team', and heartened by responses- thank you.

I have just been on Amazon and ordered books to do with diet, as feel It's something i can do to keep well and fit before chemo. Once again, thanks girls xx

wendydee profile image


Just wanted to say all the best. I had OC in 2002, borderline and not bad enough to need chemo, but scary! It is a great comfort to be on here, loads of support and like being part of a big family where we all say what we feel, which is not always possible with friends and family. Just wanted to say I'll be rooting for you

Love Wendy xx

Hi Jersey girl, I was Stage 3b diagnosed in Aug 2011. Had the surgery for hysterectomy and 6 rounds of chemo!! Hey and im in remission now so ts not all doom and gloom sweetheart! There are some wonderful girls on this site who can give you lots of advice and Hey do they lift you up when you down. Good luck with all the treatment and will see you back on here with ''REMISSION'' as your caption yea!! Love Lynn XXXX

I had stage 3c grade 3 cells (most aggressive) in 2009. I'm still free of disease two years after my last chemo and counting. OC is survivable.

Ruby profile image

Hi Jersey-girl, I am another 3Cer. I was initially "inoperable" 2010 and had op then 4 chemo, then op, then 4 chemo. I am now working full time, gym 4 times a week and misbehaving like a good un. Not a nice club to join, but welcome and don't despair. Wigs can be so much fun. xxx

Whippit profile image

It looks like your question has elicited all sorts of encouraging responses JerseyGirl. We also have friends who weren't so lucky but they're still fighting the cause. Good luck with everything. Xxx

Jersey-girl profile image

Thanks to everyone for their kind words in the same club that no-one wants to join, and on the 'journey' that no-one wants to take !!

I will remain 'upbeat' and think of my next question... ;-)

LizK profile image

I'm also aggressive 3c, aged 55, otherwise healthy and fit and diagnosed in December. had Total abdominal Hysterectomy in January. The cancer had spread all around abdominal area. I've just had my 3rd dose of chemo - corboplatin. taxol and avastin and my CA125 is down to 56 from a starting point of 2500. Got a fright this morning as my urine was red - decided it was probably the beetroot I'd eaten in an attempt to eat healthily last night!! The replies to your query have given me a boost - there's hope and light at the end of the tunnel!

Thanks everyone - and good luck to all still fighting.

Love Liz X

Ruby profile image

Lizzy, pink wee is always a bit of a revelation. A young bird like u should kick this monsters bum! I am of a similar vintage. I really want to make 50 and not out. i hope to get there in May and raise my bat.

charlie12 profile image

Hi there

Welcome , I'm so sorry that you need to join us , but very glad that you have found us.

I had a large borderline tumour removed two years ago , so it was not bad enough to need chemo or radiotherapy, but very scary nevertheless. I had two lots of major surgery and it took time to get over it all. I am now much better , back at work and enjoying life.

I do hope that the treatment goes as well as these things can. Try to take things as easy as you can and spend as much time with the people you love as you can. Remember that this is a treatable condition and the interventions are improving all the time.

Love and cyber hugs to you.

Charlie xxx

thehusband profile image

Hi, i am writing from a slightly different view point. Firstly it was sad to hear you join my wifes club, but good that you had some positive responses.

My wifes first and second lot of chemo didnt get the response that we hoped for, however she is now on her 3rd line chemo, and it seems to be helping her. We dont expect it to get rid of it, but we certainly expect to get thru this year before we have to face it again......obviously though i say we, its she that is going throught it but WE face it together.

So we were not so lucky as some others, but my point is IF, and its only and IF, everything doesnt work out right to start with....hey, you have options and other opportunities to find a chemo that works for you. We started this journey in 2010 and even though it hasnt gone as hoped we have still ahd so many holidays and breaks 'around' all the chemo.

You will probably have bad days, iffy days but you will have so many good days as well....good luck from us both.

thehusband profile image

Sorry should have said she is grade 3c aggressive OC and had the full hysterectomy etc in 2010.

iris60 profile image

hi there

I was diagnosed 3c OC in september last year. I had the full hysterectomy followed by 6 cycles of carbo/taxol. I just has my final chemo on 13/3/12. I am waiting now to go for my scan on 3oth March and then the results on 10th april. The chemo now finished, my husband and i are hoping to go away on holiday for my 6oth birthday which was last saturday. Don't worry the chemo wasn't as bad as either (husband) of us had thought. The last two took it out of me a little but I'm still here and ready for whatever is coming. Positive attitude is a must, keep on in there XXX all the best


Heffmeister profile image

Hiya and welcome I am also 3c although I oringinally started out as borderline 1c in April 2010. I am 34 years old and have begun a 2nd regime of chemo staright after finishing a first which didn't work out for me. Thankfuly this one seems to be doing the trick :-)

To be told you need chemo is very scary but it hasn't been as bad I've imagined. Nearly all side effects can be given medication to minimise them or not have them at all. I've lost count of the people who have been shocked to know I'm doing chemo because they can't tell. I have lost my hair now which is a bit obvious but I've been liking buying nice hats and silk scarves to try out!

Good luck x

Hi! So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. My best friend was also diagnosed with IIIC not long ago and will be starting chemo ASAP I hope. So no direct experience, only very best wishes and the assurance that your friends will be willing everything to go as well as possible for you. I've already been cheered to read some of the responses on here.

Good luck!

bosue profile image

I hope you find this site as helpful as I do, its given me great support , hope it gives you the same support, I really dont know what I would have done without it.Lots of love Sue x

Lottie6636 profile image

I am 56 and I have just been diagnosed. Don't know what grade, I don't really want to know at the moment, but I know it has spread to the lining of my abdomen. I start chemo on Wednesday. After 3 sessions they are going to scan to see if tumour has shrunk enough to operate. If not, will have a further 3 sessions, followed by operation. I am frightened but determined to get through this and have a fantastic husband and family to help. I feel a bit shell shocked too - this has all happened within the last 3 weeks.

bosue profile image

Lottie,It is always a shock to know this has spread,but you can do it, I saw by your location you live near to me, I had two ops at Ipswich hospital,(mr Rufford) outpatients at Colchester general, chemo at Essex County,(under mr Lamont)are you being dealt with at the same? if so they are great) wish you luck. Love Sue x

michelle2 profile image

Hi jersey-girl

I thought I'd let you know that I had a reurrence of mt oc. Originally grade 1 but came back 2 years later grade 3. I am currently going through chemo had 4 lots just had my mid terms scans and was told I've had an excellent substantial response and the mass lesions have now shrunk to 2 sites on my pelvis which are less than 1.2mm I have another 4 sessions where hopefully these will be zapped. Im on carbo taxol and Avastin. Just wanted to share that there can be good news after your bottom falls out of your world. Even if you can't believe it at the time. Hope your treatment goes well

Jersey-girl profile image

Hi Michelle2

I do keep 'dipping' in and out of this site every day, and although I have learnt lots there is still a lot to take in. I have had the op and my first chemo carbo/plat and taxol 2 weeks ago. Although I've had my hair cut short in readiness, it is now falling out rapidly! Thanks for your info and encouraging words, it is good to know there is so much support out there for everyone, whatever their circumstances. x

yellowpetal profile image

Hi Jersey-girl

I was diagnose with 3C low grade cancer last year and had a full hysterectomy followed by 6 rounds of carbo/plat and taxol chemo which ended in December 2011. I take Letrazol each day which seems to be keeping the remaining cancer at bay and I am now back at work 2 full days and 3 mornings and increasing my hours as I feel I can. I wish you well with treatment keep positive and strong and you will get through - take care xx

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