hiya had my 1st treatment and I’m starting to get the side effects can anyone suggest for pain in my feet and aches in legs also mouth is becoming abit sore . Also my hair is slightly shedding does this usually happen quite soon after 1st treatment thanks for any replies 😊
side effects : hiya had my 1st treatment and I’m... - My Ovacome
side effects

Hi LK11
I used to take hot baths and use hot water bottles for the leg pains but I did chemo in the winter so didn’t mind the extra heat.
I completely lost my hair before 2nd infusion so your head shedding is normal and to be expected.
I didn’t have any mouth issues fortunately but I do remember in the chemo unit people being given a special mouthwash to help with these issues.
Chemo is such a shock to the system but after the 3rd treatment I did definitely find it a lot easier to cope with even though I had/have peripheral neuropathy from it.
It does get easier and you will know your pattern of bad/good days after infusions. Try to grab the good days they will help you cope with the bad.
Best wishes for the rest of treatment xx Jen
My dentist prescribed on prescription (which we get free having been diagnosed with cancer) Colgate Duraphat 5000 ppm which is for sensitive teeth. I was lucky I did not get a sore mouth whilst on chemo, I used this toothpaste. I don't know if the toothpaste alone stopped me getting a sore mouth 🤷.
Hi. I rinse my mouth & gargle with BiCarb Soda or salt. It does help as long as you do it regularly (say 3 to 4 times a day).
Yes, hair loss can be quick. I found it easier to just shave it off rather than go through the shedding stage which can be stressful.
It does get easier to cope with after the initial shock of it all. Good luck with everything.
Love & hugs. xx
Hi. I found the hair shedding happened as quickly as you have described. I decided to get a buzz cut rather than have patches of hair and areas with next to no visible hair. It made the transition to no hair easier for me too. I do know it’s not everyone’s thing though and my hair was short before the chemo.
I also had a very sore mouth, tongue and very sensitive teeth. My oncologist prescribed a strong mouthwash which really helped. Please get in contact with your oncologist and explain what is happening to your mouth, I’m sure you will get the mouthwash.
Good luck with the rest of your treatments. I’m sure you will do fine. Xx
My daughter gave me a buzzcut and that was the best thing. I had one cold cap treatment but the hair was falling anyway. Three months after finishing chemo my hair is growing back fine. There are suggestions on here to see your oncoogist for a mouthwash which is great.If you can't get the recmmended mouthwash in time, I would try Bonjela or SM33 frm the chemist - gel for mouth ulcers. Worked very well.
I did get bad leg pain and as I am a senior (80) living on my own, the oncolgist took me off Paclitaxel whch I was having in combination with Carboplatin. That helped the leg pain but I still have some peripheral neuropathy.
It is a bit much to try and cope with all the health issues at the early stages. Please try and take it slowly and ask for help. This will all pass and you will be better soon.
I recommend wigs, glorious wigs and get one soon before it sheds quickly. Valentine and Simply Wigs are good websites. I have four different colours. It's a personal decision!
Emma x