experience with Paxitaxel & Carboplatin combo w... - My Ovacome

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experience with Paxitaxel & Carboplatin combo welcome

Elifebru profile image
17 Replies

hi everyone,

I’ve been diagnosed with stage 2A ovarian cancer. Had my surgery about 4 weeks ago. Starting Paxitaxel & Carboplatin this Wednesday. 6 sessions 3 weeks apart planned. I’d love to learn about your experience with this regimen in terms of quality of life and how you tolerated it. I had breast cancer 17 years ago and took 6 rounds of chemo back then. At the time it was a 3-drug combo called FAC. If anyone took both the FAC and paxi-carbo and cam compare , I’d appreciate even more. Thank you.

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Elifebru profile image
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17 Replies
Trickysite profile image

I had breast cancer 20 years ago and am now stage 4b OC, diagnosed 2 years ago and on Olaparib following carbo taxol. Don’t know what drugs I had for breast cancer but they worked! The breast cancer chemo was much harder than carbo taxol, for me. Lost allhair on both but am happy with wigs. Must have lost nearly a stone on breast chemo, lost none on OC chemo. I presume you have had a BRCA test. If not, you should ask for one. I am BRCA 2 but luckily my sons are free. With all good wishes, Emma x

Elifebru profile image
Elifebru in reply to Trickysite

thank you so much Emma. Much appreciated. I am BRCA 1&2 negative, but I am told there are additional genetic tests now which they will presumably do. I hope my carbo taxol goes smoothly, you gave me courage. Wishing all the best for you xx

Elifebru profile image

thank you your experience sharing much appreciated. Made me feel positive about the carbo taxol. Hoping lots of years of NED for you. Sending love.

delia2 profile image

Hi. Sorry you have to face a second cancer. Everyone is different in their experience of chemo. I found carbo taxol very difficult compared to the doxil and carbo I had for first recurrence. I was pretty much in bed for five or six days each cycle and had weakness and shortness of breath from anemia. I had a delayed reaction so I was fine until day 5 then overcome with nausea for the next six days. The last nine days of the cycle I was pretty normal though not vigorous. I took steroids and extra nausea meds for eleven days each cycle instead of the usual three. But that’s just my experience. You might breeze through it.

Elifebru profile image
Elifebru in reply to delia2

thank you for sharing. I am sorry your experience was rough. Sending love.

Guilane profile image

Hi Elifebru, I wasn’t offered surgery so know nothing of surgery related issues, I’m afraid. I’m stage 4OC and had pacli/carbo combo. First 3 days I thought, no side effects, this us wonderful! 😂 Then someone lobbed a brick at me (not literally, but that’s how it felt!). Terrible fatigue, couldn’t eat, really couldn’t function. If you live alone this is when you need help. After 5 days I started to feel better and then had nearly two weeks of ok life. Side effects I got are neuropathy in my feet, total hair loss (wig for me), droopy eye, food taste alteration and a few minor things I can’t remember (you move on). Initially they give you steroids to take home and I couldn’t sleep for two nights. If this happens tell your chemo nurses, they can help. This combo did a good job for me. Not totally because I’ve not had surgery but I’m jogging on. Very, very good luck and big hugs. Gill X

Elifebru profile image
Elifebru in reply to Guilane

Gill thank you very much for sharing I really appreciate it. I feel like the 1st will be toughest as I don’t know what to expect. I can’t really compare to the chemo I took 17 years ago for a different cancer as it was different drugs. Wishing best for all of us and sending you love. Ebru

LesleyGB profile image
LesleyGB in reply to Elifebru

Hi - I was fine on taxol/carbo - total hair loss which wasn't a problem but no nausea, etc. Cooling cap gave me a terrible headache so took it off after 15 minutes. Steroids hyped me up for the three days after chemo but the chemo made me tired - odd feeling (a friend said her steroids forced her to clean her care at 7.00 am). Felt a bit sleepy so napped as necessary but generally led a normal life - if you can call lockdown normal. Good luck with this. x

Saintgermain profile image

Everyone is different as to how they react I'm in the states I chose to use the cooling cap I lost about 15% of my hair the cancer center that I got my treatments thru administered a pre- treatment side effect IV I took steroids for 3 days afterwards I never had any side effects except for being a bit wired but then tired after I came down from them I was fully functional I hope the same for you.

Elifebru profile image
Elifebru in reply to Saintgermain

thank you for sharing. Hoping a smooth sail. Nurse convinced me today to try the cooling cap so I’ll give it a go. All my best from London , UK

Saintgermain profile image

hoping smooth sailing also I bought those elf ear muffs that slide over each ear as it helped with the freezing my Hairdresser had BC survivors that used the cap she suggested I cut my hair short prior to treatment as it was easier for the cap to freeze follicles that was her experience.

Leniko profile image

this combo worked well for me in 2008. It kept me in remission for six years. Side effects were foot neuropathy, fatigue. My hair started thinning so I had it cut very short. Wore a wig or turbans. Wishing you the very best! 😘

Elifebru profile image
Elifebru in reply to Leniko

thank you! Hoping loads more remission years for you!

Trickysite profile image

just goes to show how varied responses to carbo taxol are. . Hoping you find it relatively easy, as I did. Good luck,Emma x

Elifebru profile image

1st session done. Thank you for your encouragement Emma! Btw I also have two sons :)

Hota profile image

hi there I was diagnosed with 2B ovarian cancer last year. I had 6 rounds of chemo.

I found I was good for first 3 days whilst on steroids and the once I had completed them I would feel a bit tired and achy. A bit like flu.

I continued taking anti sickness medication for around 5 days post chemo. which helped a great deal.

On the whole the treatment was not as bad as I had anticipated. Your team will be very good at managing any side effects.

I tried to remain as active as possible trying to walk most days.

Everyone experience is different. You will get through it.

Make plans for when your treatment ends we have just returned from Greece which was amazing.

Life does get better.

I kept a diary through my treatment which did help from cycle to cylce.

I hope this helps best wishes xx

Elifebru profile image

thank you very much! Big help to read your experience which I understand was relatively good. Wishing you healthy months and many years. So glad you enjoyed the trip afterwards. Hope to plan for a nice Turkey trip (my homeland) in October after all is finished 💜 sending love🫶🏼

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