Have anybody tried Avemar- fermented wheat germ extract. It is a nutraceutical. I read a lot about it and some research showed that it can act as a natural parp inhibitor. I am sure not as potent as other PARP inhibitor but wonder if it can be combined and help in reducing dosages thus some side effects. Any comments here or experience to share here.
Fermented wheat germ extract and parp inhibitors - My Ovacome
Fermented wheat germ extract and parp inhibitors

Hi Not heard of this. There is a FB page for Parp Inhibitors, there may be someone there with experience.

Hello msuspartan
Thank you for your post. There is some information about wheat germ extract at mskcc.org/cancer-care/integ...
Before starting any supplement or dietary change, it's important to seek medical advice to check that it's safe to use and whether it could interact with any medication or other treatment.
I hope that you can get some helpful advice soon.
Best wishes
Ovacome Support
"Fermented wheat germ extract" is given as an adjunct cancer treatment along chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapies, in the treatment of haematological, non-haematological cancers and Oral cancer.
Whereas PARP inhibitors are given as a robust maintenance treatment for ovarian cancer, there isn't any evidence to suggest that fermented wheat germ extract can do the same job as PARPs.
There has been one study in 2012 whereby Judson et al investigated the combination of Avemar (brand name for fermented wheat germ extract) along Cisplatin in the treatment of Ovarian Cancer. Again it is given in conjunction and not on its own as a treatment.
Each PARP has its own side effects. Your mum is on Olaparib and as a major side effect, it can cause induced folate deficiency anaemia which in turn triggers other side effects. Often resolved by taking 1g/daily of folate and up to 2g/daily.
Best to check with her team to test her folate levels and for supplementing.
Hi. I’ve seen fermented wheat germ mentioned, but haven’t followed it up as there are so many other nutraceuticals I would put first - turmeric, berberine etc. I’m being offered Niraparib, so am now looking at potential complementary options. Natural checkpoint inhibitors are interesting (if they exist!).Newbie’s suggestion on folate is really helpful. Do get the methyl folate form though, as folic acid is not a natural form and doesn’t work in quite the same way.