1st 3 Month Followup and not so great News - My Ovacome

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1st 3 Month Followup and not so great News

PCCDaisy profile image
20 Replies

Well Hello,

Finished my full treatment on Sept 11th nd felt great and still do. Last Friday had a CT Scan and blood work and today went over results and hoping for my first NED, well that didn't happen. Found out my CA 125 went from 5 to 53, and my CT scan showed a small tumor 2mm by my spleen. Now will be going 16 rounds of Chemo weekly of Taxol and Avastin. Was wondering from my beautiful teal sisters if this happened to anybody else this quickly and how it went for you and if you were on Avastin, how well it worked and any side affects.



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PCCDaisy profile image
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20 Replies
Bettyxxx profile image

Hi ShellyGutted for you x i cant share about avastin as I haven’t had it but a tiny 2mm spot is easily killed, when i had my recurrence I decided it was just a bit left over from the first time round and needed mopping up! It worked for my brain 😂. You are feeling well so thats a bonus and when this is done you are due a nice long break! Sending lots of love



January-2016-UK profile image

I found out I'd recurred on my first three-month check-up, in my lymph nodes. My CA-125 had risen from 35 to 1209 in that time. It was a big surprise to me as I felt fine and was hoping to I'd still be NED. I haven't had Avastin but I have had weekly taxol. I found weekly taxol the easiest of all my chemos, so I hope is the same for you.

2 mm is really small, so small that you would be ineligible to enter a trial (I had that happen to me once; none of my nodes were big enough). So, it should shrink fairly quickly!

All the best!


delia2 profile image

Hi. I’m PALB2 positive also. I’m wondering if you should get a second opinion about starting chemo so quickly. When I finished chemo for first recurrence I still had an 8 mm tumor and I went on Olaparib and now the tumor is gone. I suppose you’re classified as platinum resistant now so I don’t know if that’s why they’re not putting you on a PARP? But you did respond to the chemo. Also my oncologist like many says there’s no need to rush into chemo but obviously I am not a doctor. I wish you the best of luck with your treatment!

PCCDaisy profile image
PCCDaisy in reply to delia2

Hi Delia2

I did ask about a Parp and my oncologist said for me it would be one of the last treatments, so that is why taxol and Avastin, thinking they want to so a final cleanup of what was missed last - those couple of cells that decided to stay. Not on carbo because am platinum resistant.

Hoping that after these next 16 weeks it will be the last for a very very long time.

Brum1966 profile image

Good luck hun you can do it xx

rosebine profile image

2mm is miniscule, you will be fine.

Wish mine were that small !

Lovedogs41 profile image

Hi,are you doing any alternative treatments? Have you read How to starve cancer by Jane Mcelland?

PCCDaisy profile image
PCCDaisy in reply to Lovedogs41

Yes gotthe book and was going to start reading it after my 3 month NED, guess will Crack it sooner then later.

LesleyGB profile image

What crappy news for you - you must be so disappointed. But as others have said this is tiny and hopefully just needs a blast of drugs. I had Taxol, Carboplatin and Avastin altogether for 6 weeks then just Avastin. No sickness just tiredness and aches a few days after treatment (and of course hair loss). I found it easy to tolerate. Will keep my fingers crossed for you. X

PCCDaisy profile image
PCCDaisy in reply to LesleyGB

So when you were just on Avastin, did your hair start growing back???

LesleyGB profile image

When I had a break from chemo/Avastin because of my operation, my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes all grew back. Then when I picked up the rest of my chemo, my hair fell out again, but not my eyebrows and eyelashes. Within about a six weeks of just being on the Avastin my hair stating coming back. Then a couple of weeks ago for some reason all my eyelashes fell out and my eyebrows got a bit sparse, but have all started regrowing again! Its all a bit weird. My Onc did tell me that Avastin doesn't cause hair loss. x

PCCDaisy profile image
PCCDaisy in reply to LesleyGB

What their goal is is to put me on Taxol and Avastin and the Avastin for a maintenance drug. So glad to hear once I am just on Avastin I can start to see my hair to grow again.

LesleyGB profile image
LesleyGB in reply to PCCDaisy

Yes, it is nice to get some hair (if only to not have the light bouncing of your scalp and blinding people!). Baldness didn't bother me and now I like my velvety head and intend to keep it really short and stock up on interesting earrings. Good luck with everything.

Di16 profile image

I had surgery in January 2013 for a recurrence, & after 3 months, my scan showed more cancer. I was gutted, & started on treatment, but I haven't had Avastin. I've had further problems since, but I'm still alive & fighting nearly 8 years later. It's hard to accept at first I know, but you can deal with it, & as others have said, yours is very small, so hopefully it will be easily zapped. Di

SUE7777 profile image

Hi Shelly, I haven't finished front line yet as am finishing the Avastin but my beast has been growing a few months. I was on Carbo/Taxol and Avastin from 2nd treatment, told I was NED about a month after finishing chemo but that wasn't the case as miniscule disease don't show on scans. The Avastin has worked but not completely so I will be going on chemo again at the end of February when the Avastin has finished. At least being on the Avastin has got me out of Platinum resistant territory. Take care, good luck and get back to me if you want any more information. Sue xx

Ruebacelle profile image

Hi. Avastin worked for me went into remission for a year. 2mm should go away quickly. Taxol also very efficient. Remember this is a recurring but manageable disease. Big hugs from france

Natsmb profile image

Yes. In fact, I didn't even finish the first line treatment-only got 4 cycles in. My numbers went up to 125 or something like that. First they tried me on Opdivo and as that made no difference. I was switched to Avastin by itself and stayed on Avastin for 22 months.

Unfortunately for me the size effects started almost immediately and accumulated throughout. I stayed in it as long as I could tolerate. Not everybody has that severe of a reaction (muscle soreness, severe plural effusions, cramping, severe malaise, nausea, severe inflammation etc.)

All the best!.

Luckyducky144 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear, Shelly! I'm nearing my 22nd cycle with Avastin (I've been NED since April 2020, but kept up with Avastin maintenance). The Avastin gives me some intense neck pain and a little tummy trouble, but it only lasted for a few days. My CA125 is all over the place, but I'm still feeling great and I think the Avastin is helping. You're going to do great. xoxo

Realistic profile image

So sad for you, but please stay positive, it’s not easy getting through the ups and downs of this horrid cancer but with you all the way love & hugs sent your way SheilaF xxx

Summergold2 profile image

I have been on Avastin since February 2020 and will continue until this May 2021 I was diagnosed in Dec 2019 6 hr surgery one month recovery then 6 cycles of Carbo/taxol and Avastin. NED in August 2020 but my CA 125 is slowly rising Lots of shoulder and neck pain I wasn’t to kind to my body in the early years too much horseback riding sports etc and was a beat cop for 22 years gun belts are a bit heavy 25 lbs......

that being said take it easy enjoy the little things AND the big ones as much as you can I still hike (not as long or far) and still ride ( not as long or far) but still enjoy life just slower😀

Good wishes!


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