4 weeks post op for (oc stage 4) finding it hard to keep constipation at bay as back on chemo what do you ladies use and eat. Help
Constipation: 4 weeks post op for (oc stage... - My Ovacome

Constipation is a problem I have suffered with on and off since my op in 2008 - i try to eat a high fibre diet at least 30g per day drink lots of water at least 8 glasses a day - I also take a stool softener every day. Good luck with finding a regime that works for you x

Thanks I need to dri nk more water that's for sure
So sorry you're having this problem - it can be so miserable! When I was dealing with constipation due to my various meds, I was told by one of the oncology nurses to take as much Miralax (a gentle laxative) as I needed to resolve the problem, starting with a small dose and working up. Once the initial problem resolved, I continued to take a small dose every morning for quite some time. Stool softeners, in pill or suppository form, are also useful. As was suggested by lyn1987, drinking lots of water is super helpful, and coffee is also good. I found that for my system the kind of fiber in my diet was key, particularly soluble fiber in the form of nuts, seeds, lentils, beans, peas and whole raw fruits (a raw apple a day was my go-to for keeping things going ... smoothly). Hope you get feeling better ASAP! Deb in Colorado
Thank you so much for your wisdom we think we know it all. Nuts seeds etc all on today's shopping list was also advised popcorn. I certainly need to drink more water the bowel needs it along with the fibre. Was taking meds to soften the stool but had Hellish abdominal cramps. Margaret Scotland
Hi there, sorry to hear about your struggle with constipation. During chemo I used to struggle with it too. I found stool softeners were really helpful, prune juice and filling a water bottle two - three times a day and gradually sipping my way through them ( I’m not a natural water drinker!)
Hope this helps
Denise xxx
Hello... I recently saw a dietitian because I also suffer... I think that the op does subtly alter the way the gut works. Anyhoo.... she suggested a kiwi fruit a day (soluble fibre, plus gut soothing properties) and I am trying to stick to this.
Not while you are on chemo but afterwards I would recommend a probiotic too! xx
Luckily, I haven't had a problem during chemo. I drink plenty of water, eat lots of salad/veg with olive oil and I snack on dried figs and nuts. x.
I've had problems with constipation ,during chemo and post op .I found senna tablets at night and Lactulose twice a day helped ,plus lots of water and walking ,initially fruit ,veg fibre etc made no difference to me ,I'm six months post op and three months since my last chemo ,I'm OK most of the time now ,but occasionally have to take senna . Never realized how awful constipation was until I had it ,good luck .
Yes I remember that well during chemo as if we don’t have enough to contend with . However , I swear by old fashionised remedy Califig (syrup of figs ) can’t get in my chemist I buy it on amazon . Bit expensive but you don’t need a lot and it works quickly 😊 xx
Hi. Hope you feeling ok today. I'm using Laxido twice a day when my constipation is bad. Have used laxtulose but GP said it can cause cramps and more discomfort. Try drinking plenty of water and eating veg and fruit and foods with fibre. Doesn't always work. I found it better to move about when I could so keep pain meds up so that you can move. Of course lots of the pain meds cause the constipation! Try to find right balance for you. Xxx
Laxido and ready to eat apricots worked for me - eventually! Best wishes.
Thanks doing the same with prunes
I am on morphine and it gave me really bad constipation. I found that a portion of spinach a day really helped.
I take Docusate plus at least 2 senna a day. This is due to the amount of bowel damage and I have to 'go' every day. I still don't though and when I went to India last year I must have been the only person on the tour taking laxatives. lol.
When I had a blocked bowel I was told to stop all food with fibre in it.
Good luck with it. xx
Sorry to hear about the damage but good on you for living your life I've a aged to sort it out with prunes nuts and popcorn. It was agony for 4 days the pain was excrutiating
I've got it under control Molly, to the extent that I don't need to rush to the loo or feel nervous that I'll have an accident. It's a lot of laxatives and I've been on them for 6 years now. I don't worry about it, we have to do what we have to do, if you know what I mean. I feel lucky my bowel was saved and I didn't need a stoma.
Best wishes, Zena xx
Zena I was taking stool softener drinks and zenna but finding excrutiating stomach cramps where I was in total tears and nothing happening. My diet is generally good always been a veg lover. I just feel my digestive tract got screwed after op two spoonfuls and felt bloated now back on chemo trial with avastin 2 more to go then just avastin hoping for ned had oc stage 4b
Constipation is the absolute worst! The only thing that works for me is Cascara Sagrada (any pharmacy or on Amazon) Also, Smooth Move Tea (works the fastest.
Other than the constipation I hope you are feeling better with every day.
I discovered Senna tea, and that helped me.
I have a breakfast of wheatabix, stewed prunes, Apple etc.,basic yoghurt, with milk. I walk 2.4klm try to each day and so far am regular. Everyone reacts differently but eating prunes is recognised as effective for most people. Hope it helps.
I am having oatabix and prunes or porridge oats seem to work better for me than wheat which makes me retain fluid. I am slowly finding what works for me as it was something I noted when first joini g everyone refers to not getting constipated oh how right they are I know I need to walk more but have not been too great since op spleen was nicked but getting there now energy wise. Thanks for input