Leg Cramps anyone?: Hi, I hate to bother you all... - My Ovacome

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Leg Cramps anyone?

Lindaura profile image
16 Replies


I hate to bother you all with this simple annoyance, but here I go.

As most of you know, I stoped Niraparib just 2 and a half weeks ago in preparation for a trial at the Royal Marsden in London.

I had asked everyone during the time I was on Niraparib if anyone else was suffering these weird leg cramps that I was getting that only affect my calves, feet and ankles.

They happen all night and wake me up, as I must stand and put weight in the other side of my foot, which makes the cramp go away instantly.

Anyway, I was blaming the Niraparib, but I am still getting them and I thought they would have stopped by now. Does anyone else have these?



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Lindaura profile image
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16 Replies

I do, I think mine are connected to chemo as have had them for the past two cycles. Awful, exactly as you describe. X

Coldethyl profile image

Could be your magnesium levels? My dad gets them and was told to eat banana a day for potassium too - obviously they’ll be checking your bloods for the next chemo / trial but mention it to them.

My husband used to get terrible cramps nearly every night, then a nurse told him it could be potassium deficiency, he started eating a banana every day and low and behold the cramps have gone completely. x

delia2 profile image

I agree about potassium and magnesium. They could have been lowered by your meds. Also there might be another vitamin but I’m not sure. You could google it.

Neona profile image

Very likely low calcium and magnesium.

Mptelesca profile image

Geez, Laura. That really stinks. Since I’ve been on zejula, I get these horrible cramps in my left foot during the night where my foot actually looks deformed. Since I’ve been doubling up on potassium and magnesium they have subsided but not disappeared altogether. Again, for me it comes down to hydration. Still not sure what causes it.

I hope yours go away soon. You don’t need this right now.

Much love to you.


Bowler70 profile image

I too had what I called restless leg syndrome in bed at night. My consultant said my magnesium levels were low because of diarrhoea. Next cycle my magnesium levels were ok but the leg problem continued. Not a banana fan but might give it a go

thomas62 profile image

Hi Lindaura I was having leg cramps as I woke up in a morning. I was then diagnosed with Anaemia following a full blood count. Now on ferrous sulphate and the cramps have virtually gone. Perhaps to ask for a full blood count just to check you're not short of anything that you body needs. Best wishes. Gwen Xx

Cropcrop profile image

I do, I get cramp in my ankle joints, up the outside of my legs and my toes regularly seemingly tie themselves in knots. It’s a nuisance but the frequency has lessened since I increased my magnesium levels (supplement) and potassium levels (daily banana).

I don’t know if chemo was at the source but it certainly was worse when I was being treated. I’ve always had cramping, I used to be an athlete is the dark ages and suffered especially more so then but nowadays if I don’t walk or exercise I get more cramp. It’s a quandary 🥴

I’ve just read all the previous answers to your question and a theme has emerged.

Hope you get some relief, it’s a real pain isn’t it. Take care lovely ❤️Xx Jane

bamboo89 profile image

I agree with all that's been said here in regard to magnesium and calcium, but just wondering, is your lower back alright, or have you been having a bit of trouble with it? I get various cramps at times, particularly at night, in my feet or ankles or even calves; I know my magnesium and calcium are fine, I take them both together every day and eat bananas too, and I've learned the cramps are connected with trouble in my lower back, even if I'm not really noticing there's an issue in that area. I just prod about in my lower back, feeling for areas that are tender or painful, then stick a bunch of tiny magnets on any and all tender/painful areas and the cramps go away and I can go back to sleep. Just a thought...

One other thing - if you take oral supplements, magnesium and calcium are best taken together in a ratio of 1;3 or 1:2; absorption of both minerals is improved if taken at the same time.


It seems there is a common thread here so do get your magnesium levels checked. I wish you well with the trial and hope it kicks all these nasty buggers away for you

Katiebairdie profile image

Hello Laura

I haven’t had any leg cramps but have been eating a banana a day since a blood test four years ago showed low potassium levels. Probably a coincidence.

Which trial are you preparing for?

Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply to Katiebairdie

I am being screened for the DICE trial. It’s a phase 2 trial, double blind, with one arm Weekly Taxol and the other arm Taxol with a targeted drug called TAK228.

Randomly selected and I have to travel to London’s Royal Marsden for it.

I will find out by next Monday if I am in the trial, because it begins on Tuesday!

Best wishes,


Katiebairdie profile image

They are cutting it fine to let you know. Hope you get what you want. I can say weekly taxol is quite easy to manage.


retired2013 profile image

Hi Lindaur: I am on Lynparza and have those same kind of cramps but don't think it is related to the Lynparza. We were on vacation with family and got them several nights and my daughter-in-law gave me a suggestion to help which sounded wierd but I was ready to try anything. She said when you get one and you go back to bed ware your shoes, yes you read that right, so I tried it and it helped keeping them from coming back. I have gone back on the magnesium and it has helped. I got them again last night and I think it was from being on and off a ladder washing windows during the day. They are awful hope you find relief. Think positive.


Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply to retired2013

Thanks Fran,

I don’t think I can put in shoes, but I am taking my Magnesium sachets again.



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