Dear All
As I mentioned in a previous post, the In Focus topic for May is diet and cancer. I asked what you'd like information on as part of this and so far the requests have been veganism and bowel issues. So the sub-topics will be veganism/anti-cancer diets; bowel issues; and possibly sugar for the final post, although if you have any other requests do let me know.
As you'll all be aware, there is an awful lot of information out there about diet and cancer! I'm not a dietitian and for specialist advice you can always ask your oncology team for a referral to a dietetics service. These posts will just be to provide some sources of reliable information and prompt discussion of your own experiences.
Here are some general sources of diet information to start off:
Macmillan: Macmillan have information on managing weight gain after cancer treatment, the building-up diet if you've lost weight during treatment, recipes, and healthy eating.
Cancer Research UK: Including an interesting section on food controversies here:
The World Cancer Research Fund does a lot of work around prevention, but they also have booklets on eating well during cancer and healthy living after cancer here:
Those of you who have visited the Penny Brohn centre in Bristol will know they do a lot of work around food and nutrition. They have some resources available here on healthy eating, some recipes and information on the idea of mindful eating.
I hope this information is helpful. Please do let me know what else would be useful and I'll include it in upcoming posts. (I'm away Mon-Wed next week so apologises in advance for any delay in responding to comments but I'll look at them all on Thursday),
Best wishes