Hi lovely fellow OCers. I have a request on behalf of my husband:
Do you think your “significant other”/ husband/ partner etc would find it helpful to “talk” (text, Facebook message, Skype as well as meet in person if it seems appropriate) to someone who also has a partner who is living with OC?
It doesn’t need to be some in-depth soul searching navel gazing thing, just a chat with someone who has to deal with OC and its various issues on a daily basis. If it works out then great, they can take it from there.... if not then nothing lost, worth a go...
Let me know if this might be a thing for you. The geography of being far away is not a big problem, it’s more a question of being able to communicate with someone who gets what you are going through.
Thanks for considering this request.
All the best to you and hope the yet more ruddy snow doesn’t make things too difficult this weekend.
Netti xxxxx