I am one year after surgery and 6 months after chemo . All NED. I saw my oncologist a month ago and when I asked about "surveillance "she said 5mthly appointment with her and she aside from ca125 no other invasive tests unless I complain. Sooo yesterday I got an appointment to see my surgeon. Looking for people's experience here. Why should I attend the gynaecology since there is "nothing left" . What's to see? I will not endure a speculum examination just to have a box ticked. (And a fee paid) i am happy to see my oncologist every 6 months but whats the point of the gynae exam ? am I missing something?
Checkup after treatment: I am one year after... - My Ovacome
Checkup after treatment

I don't see my oncologist I see my gynaecology surgeon for my follow ups no speculum involved as I like you would not want to put myself through that... I refused one pre op by trainee dr why would you put yourself through a speculum when it's not necessary we been through enough ... I felt my 3 month check was perfunctory and tbh a waste of time ... I'm just coming up on my six month one we shall see what that brings 😊
Thanks ..that helps a lot and helps support my decision. You really have to be you own strong advocate in the current health system and this forum is great for information
Can understand why you are surprised if not expected. I had a sign off app with surgeon about 4 weeks after surgery . He seemed pleased to see me walking, felt my stomach told me I was always going to be a bit lumpy ! When I asked if I would see him again for another follow up he said hopefully not and wished me all the best . !! Was surprised at the time I was not going to be seen again but thought it was the norm ! Will be interested to see what other ladies experience is .
Well done for reaching 6 months NED and wishing you many more NED years ahead .
Love and best wishes Kim X
Funnily enough whenever I've had stomach aches and pains which seem to happen every so often I've been to my surgeon who has given me a check over in that department but never wielded a speculum thankfully. I have always gone away feeling reassured as he's not found anything but I think they can sometimes feel lumps if there is a recurrence. I guess I'd rather suffer the pelvic examination and feel happier but we are all different.
I was NED post surgery and then confirmed post chemo. The protocol in my area (Manchester UK) was to be seen every 3 months for 2 years and then 6 monthly. My surgical (gyny-oncology) team were in a different hospital to the Oncology team. At the time, they were trialling a number of different approaches including a telephone triage type follow up alternating with coming to clinic.
The intention was to also alternate with each team so for me different hospitals.
I had had some difficulties with the oncology team so opted to have all my follow - ups with the surgical team.
I have an internal exam & blood tests each time- this is my consultant's practise and I trust him! There have been a couple of times when I've raised concerns and so have then had scans. There is variation in use of bloods & scans and also quite a lot of new studies into the most appropriate & effective follow up.
Due to the nature of these things there was a bit of a muddle up early on and I got called in by both teams. It was just an administration error though!!
I think it's good to ask the questions and get a feel for what works best for you. With bloods for example there's a balance to find between potential clinical benefit and potential anxiety, perhaps the same is true with internal examinations... Sx
Thankyou for the feedback it's great to get different experiences . My oncologist raised an important point ....that mostly they are guided by patient feedback and don't carry out unnecessary tests/scan routinely . I see myself now as part of the " medical" not the "surgical" community. And I expect she will refer me to the gynae surgeon if warranted.
Hi, I'm a borderline lady and had two ops last year (June and August). Had an USS end Nov with suspected reoccurrence but after a 'watch and wait' and another USS in Feb this year, was given the all clear. Will see my Oncologist every 3 months for 2 years with an USS every 6 months. Any symptoms in the meantime, I have a fast straight right back to her. Even after the 2 years (when, assuming all is well, I guess i'll be 'discharged' from her care) i can fast track straight back to her in the future, bypassing my GP.
I think it's important you have a follow up plan that suits you...some people need more, some less. It's very personal. Best of luck xx
I o ly saw my gynae surgeon once at clinic after my surgery and that WS for list op review. At that point he discharged me and said he only needed go see me if the oncologist felt there was something else he could do for me. That was July 2013. Haven't seen him since! Ann xx
I had surgery 5 weeks ago, at a different hospital from the one where I normally see the oncologists. I had a follow up appointmentt last week, with no internal exam, & he discharged me back into the care of the oncs unless any reason develops for me to need to see him again. I saw my onc this week. He is also happy with my progress, & made an appointmentt for me to go back in 3 months.
I went back after surgery so they could check the wound in my vagina - where there is now a dead end - in case it wasn't healing properly.
Didn't take long and didn't hurt. Did reassure me and them.
I am seen by my surgeon who is a OCGYN. He sees me every three month for right now. I had my surgery, full cut, in April 2016 and had 21 cm mass removed with no symptoms except enlarging mass. I had total hysterectomy with appendix and omentum removed and had cells in pelvic wash. I was determined to be 3b. I finished chemo in October with some delays due to low bloods and transfusion.
NED since scan in November. I have monthly blood draw and my CA125 remains around 7 to 8.
There is always a bit of anxiety before each blood draw and appointment with ONC. He does a pelvic and rectal feel as well as exam on external pelvic region.
Avastin is used here possibly upon reoccurance not frontline.
Xx to all of you lovely ladies. I could not of gotten through this without all of you!!
Xx Carol