Check up last Thursday and all well again except the oncologist thinks I have a hernia and I think so too. Have looked on the site and found quite a few posts from a while back where this has been an issue and a common one at that. So has anyone get any advice or update on how they managed their hernia. It seems to account for the lob-sided and lumpy stomach! Off to New Zealand on Boxing Day so I guess the bikini will be staying at home!!! Hope all is well with you all as we carry on our journeys. Love Val x
Hernia: Check up last Thursday and all well again... - My Ovacome

I have as left with one too but nobody is doing anything about it as it's not bothering me. Apart from a bit misshapen around my belly. When it starts today cause symptoms etc then they will operate. X
I have a hernia from my surgery. I know what you mean about lop sided lumpy tummies. I got the impression from my oncologist, that it wasn't a big problem, so I ignore it.
Hi there..
I've had a few hernias. One was operated on pre-diagnosis. When I got one post diagnosis, my oncologist ignored it. Eventually, I had to have emergency surgery to remove a growth, and the hernia was fixed then since the growth was pushing on it. I think surgeons avoid unnecessary surgery which I understand but the bump left me feeling embarrassed if I'm honest. Xx
Thanks Tina. I can understand them not wanting to do unnecessary surgery but suddenly it feels like one more thing to be concerned about. It feels weird not knowing what sort or exactly where it is. I too feel a bit embarrassed. After the operations nearly two years ago, all was fine. This seems to have crept up on me. But hey ho, just on more thing on my journey. Take care. Love Val x
Thanks Jo Bo and Misty. When I looked back through the posts, ignoring it seems to be the way to go. I am OK with this up to the point where I take my clothes off!! I will probably trot down to see my lovely GP to make sure my Pilates and swinging golf clubs isn't going to do any further damage. Take care. Val xx
Hello - much the same experience. Hernia appeared as a small bump which has grown since and squishes if poked! I hate my lopsided tummy but I've had to learn to live with it as oncologist reluctant to have me opened up and mess around with that area (and risk disturbing the beast presumably) unless absolutely necessary. I wear support knickers and looser tops and avoid looking at myself in the mirror when in the altogether! However I've since read that it's a relatively easy thing to fix when small and I do now regret not being more assertive at that stage when I could at least have had a referral to a hernia specialist. However I the time I wasn't in the best of places mentally and let myself be persuaded otherwise. It could be worth asking at your stage though.
Thanks Beth. I suppose if the doctor knew exactly where it was she would know whether doing something was an option. Your reply has prompted me to at least check it out. Good idea about not looking in the mirror. I don't do a lot of that but sometimes just in passing......... Take care. Love Val xx
Hi i developed a large abdomonal hernia post op. It was painful as i have ascites. It was unsightly. The doctors ordered a thing to keep my tummy in. Cant think of word. I couldn't get trousers on any more. I couldn't go on holiday. So i pleaded for a repair. Two referrals later i managed to get a surgeon to operare. I am so pleased i kept trying. It is all about qualty of life. Just because i had cancer i had to put up with large tummy. No you don't have to put up with it. Sorry i went on it really upset me at the time.
Thanks for your reply. I just didn't realise it was so common after OC/PPC ops. Mine seems to come and go but after reading the posts I have made an appointment to see my GP. Hope you are back in the trousers! x
Hi i to developed hernia post op. have also been advised to leave alone if not bothering me. Its just unsightly. Now developed a lump in my groin which feels quite different so await to see what that is
It's all so individual, isn't it.
I had post op hernia which had to be tackled as emergency surgery, as a loop of bowel was incarcerated in one of the ports used for laparoscopic surgery. It was terrifying.
I now have a lump of scar tissue which periodically looks very lumpy!