Just my thought for the day....: Nurses really do... - My Ovacome

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Just my thought for the day....

HerThing profile image
18 Replies

Nurses really do deserve far more recognition for the incredible job they do.

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HerThing profile image
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18 Replies

A gentleman rings the duty nurse at her desk and asks about the patient in room 8,

she said he,s doing fine and asks who is calling,

He says i,m the gentleman in room 8, nobody tells me anything round here.

citrine profile image

The nurses on my cancer ward were absolute stars during both my hospital stays. When anything went wrong for me, it was usually after hours and it was they who told the duty doctor that action was needed.

Mary xx

thesilent1 profile image

The nurses in the Bridgewater suite in Belfast City Hospital are absolute stars. So dedicated, so busy, so jolly, always there to comfort you if needed,have a laugh with you and are so reassuring. They made my clinic appointments and chemo appointments so much easier to endure. Ann

wendydee profile image

All the team in the Eastwood Ward at Southend Hospital were brilliant. I would especially mention the first CNS in that dept, who is still working there, doing far more than she is paid for in a wholly sympathetic and sensitive way....Emma. A real star, as are all the other nurses and auxiliaries who give up a Saturday morning every month to support women with Gynae cancers at the COPES support group. Wonderful......

Dear Andy,

There are a lot of things I agree with in this statement, but there are some that I don't.

This statement only gives one view (almost as though the nurses are robots and they all act accordingly) when in reality they are human so have the same flaws and differing personalities as anyone else, I am not trying to decry the nurses but neither would I like to place them on a pedestal, (it is a job and a chosen one at that) you can get good nurses and bad nurses, some are caring some are not, some are good at their job, some are not (I have had this disease long enough to see these differences)

Unfortunately on my last chemo I had a very uncaring nurse, my heart sank every chemo session when I had this same nurse with her urgency to get the job done, without any regard for me the patient, this lack of care led to me being extremely ill,

There is a huge problem when a patient is placed in this position as there is a conflict on whether I should be grateful that she is supposed to make me well, or should I complain ? thus placing in jeopardy my future treatment (I chose the former) can you believe I even thanked this nurse every time ? (even though my treatment was bad)

The outcome was I became extremely ill and nearly died...resulting in the need for all the nurses in this chemo unit to be retrained.

(1) I think that we should give praise when it is due (and it often is due)

(2) I think we should speak as we find (we often don't)

(3) I think that this is an individual's experience no two nurses are the same and no two patients are the same either (this is life's rich tapestry)

I don't mean to be controversial (yet again) but this statement doesn't take into account that people do get varying degrees of care...

But a good reminder (if we should need one) to be grateful.

Conclusion :-

My thought for the day ? " Speak As You Find" :-/ ;-)

Cheers love x G x

HerThing profile image
HerThing in reply to

Gwyn, Who could deny that in every walk of life there are individuals that stand out in their profession. Of course that might be for the good or the bad. One doesn't have to look too far to find the most despicable creature in Beverley Allitt. However the purpose of my acknowledgement to the nurses was a generality and my experience both with Angie's cancer and in other circumstances makes the nursing profession most worthy of the highest praise. In fact I would even go so far as to say that without the dedication shown by the vast majority of these people our NHS would simply collapse. Of course that doesn't hold true in every individual case ( I know some poor examples myself) and you are right to point that out. What happened to you was indeed appalling; not for one moment would I disagree with your assessment and indeed you should always 'speak as you find'. I still hold though to my original statement that, "Nurses (in general) deserve far more recognition for the incredible job they do." I know I couldn't do what they have to do even for a gold pig.


Andy x

in reply to HerThing

Dear Andy,

It is obvious to me that people agree with what you say, by the recommends you have (which I have pressed too)

I just wanted to show another side of things... But of course I know you meant it generally and I also hope that this is more the norm rather than the experience I have encountered recently...

Over the years there has been good and bad for me... but I am sure there are some that has only had a bad experience (so I didn't want them to think they are alone)

I am grateful for the NHS and the care I have received and the fact I am still here is testament to that.

I also would like to add that I think I might be just a teeny weeny bit awkward this week LOL :-/ ;-)

Love x G x :-)

HerThing profile image
HerThing in reply to

Gwyn, I understood you perfectly well. Everything you said above is perfectly valid and I didn't see it as disagreeing with me, only offering a wider assessment. Anyway, you're allowed to be awkward....we all love you anyway! ;-)

in reply to HerThing

Teehee 8-) xx

in reply to

We do indeed love you Gwyn .. Xx :)

in reply to

Teehee twice xx 8-)

Whippit profile image

I've had wonderful treatment from all the staff at the two centres I've attended and I'm also going to mention the reception team at my London hospital who are amazing. How they recognise patients and address many of us by name just amazes me. Hopefully everyone who receives good care from staff remembers to thank them. I guess there are good and bad staff as there are good and bad patients. If treatment is poor or inappropriate it's important to give some constructive feedback in the hope that improvements can be made.

I think the NHS is a brilliant organisation. It seems to me responsibility for its performance lies as much with the patients as the management and politicians.

Sandra said to the nurse that she felt like a pack of cards, the nurse said she would deal with her later.

HerThing profile image
HerThing in reply to

I bet that made Sandra shuffle in her seat! :-D

Sandra said to the nurse she felt like a bell, nurse gave her tablets and said if these dont work then give her a ring.

HerThing profile image
HerThing in reply to

Angie asked the nurse the difference between using an oral thermometer and an anal one. She replied, "The taste!"

Sandra said to the nurse she kept thinking she was a dog, the nurse asked her to sit on the couch but Sandra said she,s not allowed on the couch.

HerThing profile image

Recognising that both nurses and nuns are very caring vocations, Angie asked the nurse the difference between the two types of people. The nurse replied, "A nun only has to worship one God!"

Not what you're looking for?

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