Hi, my ca125 is 804, & my Dr did an internal ex... - My Ovacome

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Hi, my ca125 is 804, & my Dr did an internal examination & could feel a mass. I'm so scared i have cancer

EJ0203 profile image
26 Replies
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EJ0203 profile image
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26 Replies
wendydee profile image

Hi, Don't jump to too many conclusions.......I know it's hard not to, however there are a number of things it may be. A benign cyst, fibroid, adhesions from a previous op.

If you want to check out the symptoms of OC, either to put your mind at rest or to record evidence for your next appointment, have a look on ovacome.org.uk. There's a BEATsymptom tracker on there, where it lists some of the most common symptoms and lets you record what you're experiencing and then print it out to take to your GP or gynaecology appointment.

There are many stages to go before you have to worry about OC though, but you're wise to check if you feel something isn't quite right.

If you want any more info, do post again. There are many women here with a wealth of experience of all the stages of diagnosis and treatment.

You've done the right thing by wanting to find out more information.

All the best,

Love Wendy xx

EJ0203 profile image
EJ0203 in reply to wendydee

Hi Wendy

Thank you for your kind reply to my question. When I look at the symptoms of OC, i have many. Over the years I've had bad stomach cramps, but i put them down to period pains. However, over the past 2 months, i started with abdominal pain, bad cramps, constipation, and now i'm feeling bloated. I'm worried that i have ignored the signs for too long. I'm 36, with a 7 year old daughter. I'm so scared!

Love Emma

coochy profile image
coochy in reply to EJ0203

Hi Emma

Don't beat yourself up, i know its hard not to worry as i was the same you think the worst. Wendy has given you some really good advice, this website is fabby and you get tremendous support. You have to try and stay strong for you little daughter. I was 46 when i was diagnosed and its amazing where you get the strength to fight it thats if it is OC, i will keep my fingers crossed for you that it isn't Good Luck. Elaine x

EJ0203 profile image

Hi Wendy,

Thank you for kind reply to my question. When i look at the symptoms of OC, I have many. I've been suffering with pain & constipation for just over 2 months. The pain has got much worse which caused my GP to do the CA125 test. I've started to feel bloated now too. I'm only 36, & have a 7 year old daughter. I'm scared that I've ignored the little signs over the years, & I'm worried that it will have spread. I'm so scared!

Love Emma

wendydee profile image

Dear Emma, I can understand you being scared but try to stay calm. You're young to have OC but it's not unknown in younger women. If you can ring 0845 371 0554 tomorrow after 10 and before 5, you can speak to one of the really understanding Ovacome nurses on the support line. They've been through OC so know what you're going through. Have you only had an internal exam with your GP? Did he suggest a blood test? If not, you should maybe fill in the BEAT symptom tracker for three weeks and print it out and take it along to another appointment at your GP surgery. You could ask for a CA125 blood test, although they're not always totally accurate. Did your GP give you any medication or any follow up appointments?

Whatever it is, you'll need to know. You need to put your mind at rest and get your symptoms investigated. They will give you advice as to the next steps you can take on the Ovacome helpline, I am sure.

Let us know how you get on

Love Wendy xx

Raghirl-74 profile image
Raghirl-74 in reply to wendydee

I had a mass last year I was 38 I was bloated and when my baby lay on my tummy it was painful I had op to remove it and 1 ovary it came back borderline u are young it is a rare cancer in woman under 45 but my freind had the same as me at 28 and I was 38 it's probably benign I was more worried about having a scar going up to my belly button at the time than it might be OC but that was my way of dealing with it good luck

wendydee profile image

Sorry, I didn't read one of your replies, about the CA125, clearly enough......assumed it was a duplicate. My advice to ring the helpline is probably the best course though. All the best

Love W xx

jennybutler profile image

Act quickly sure its some thing more simple lots of things can raise your ca125 last month mine went up to 237 now down to 127 because i had inflamation just dont waste time if any thing sinister the sooner you act the more can be done. Wishing you the best outcome.

Love Jenny xxx

MarieH23 profile image

Thinking of you Emma m x

charlie12 profile image

Hi Emma

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I hope that you have an appointment very soon with a specialist. If not keep onto your GP till you get one.

Please don't beat yourself up a about this...I am a healthcare professional in a very senior role and my alien was 16 cm ...I am size 8 , but I didn't notice it for ages. ....some of my colleagues thought I was pregnant at 47 , but we're too polite to say anything.

Waiting for things to happen is the worst part.

With love and cyber hugs xxxx

Laurie277 profile image

Hi, totally understand why you're scared. I was 36 at diagnosis, by which time it had spread from ovaries, down tubes and into womb. I really beat myself up at ignoring symptoms for months before doing something about it, but then, I didn't know what they could be, and rue my ignorance of ovarian cancer. As others have said, you need to be strong for your daughter, and for you: there's a few more hoops to jump through before cancer can be confirmed, or not, and if it helps, friends of mine had far higher CA125 results compared to me, and didn't have it. You're doing something now, which is positive. Track your symptoms, keep on top of the GP, get some scans and bloods done.... Listen to results and take action when all the pieces of the puzzle come together. I got signed off work by my GP whilst all the investigations were going on as it was doing my mental state no good. I actually felt relief that it wasn't in my head when it was diagnosed. It might not be, though. Hold on to that thought... Keep going... There's loads of women here wishing you well. Much love to you xxx

EJ0203 profile image
EJ0203 in reply to Laurie277


Thank you for your kind comments. Its been good to talk. I have also been signed off work now, which has released a lot of pressure. I've cried a lot, and am worried about what the scan will confirm. Laurie277, how are things with you now?

Love Emma x

Laurie277 profile image
Laurie277 in reply to EJ0203

Well, after diagnosis on 17/12/12 I had to have full hysterectomy, six months of chemo and went back to work reduced hours dec 13. I'm still on reduced hours now, Nd am getting counselling for the emotional side. Physically I'm still getting tired but I think I'm doing ok. If you want to chat, private message me and I'll send you my mobile number xxx

someoneingourock profile image

Hi, Last year my CA125 was 989, I had a radical hysterectomy and now I'm fine so don't worry. I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't panic , although that's easy for me to say, but you'll come through it a much stronger person and appreciate what you'v got and live life more

thesilent1 profile image

Hi Emma. I hope your GP has referred you on in order to be scanned etc. If not insist he does so and make sure you get appointment within 2 weeks. Good luck. Ann

Hi Emma,

I am so sorry you are going through this and echo the excellent advice that others have already given.

Don't beat yourself up over ignoring symptoms - there is a massive lack of awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer, which you don't know that you have yet. I know it's really scary not knowing.

I ignored a very distended stomach (just thought I'd got fat!) and intermittent episodes of pain for ages before going to my doctor. Fortunately when I did go, she referred me immediately for an ultrasound scan, so I hope your Doc has done the same. I waited a few weeks for the scan, but got the results the same day. One of my cysts/tumors was 12.5cm. Within 3 and a half weeks of that I had a full hysterectomy - so everything happened very fast.

I'm now having chemo and have almost finished the 6 treatments and I haven't found chemo anywhere near as bad as I expected.

Wishing you all the very best with your tests. This is a great place to talk and there is wonderful support in this forum.

Lots of love, Libby xx

Hi Emma, I echo everyone who has said don't beat yourself up. Symptoms are vague and can be attributed to lots of other things. Just to warn you, the scan might not give the answers you want. I had an ultrasound scan and an MRI scan. They showed I had an 8cm mass on my ovary, but not what it was. I've now had surgery and will get the results on Friday. My doctor said that very often they don't know what these lumps, cysts and masses are, until they are checked in pathology. Oh and just to say, even benign tumours can make you bloated and give you symptoms as they press on other organs. The important thing is to get it sorted ASAP, don't be fobbed off. There's a two week wait for urgent referrals like yours, and once they know you need surgery that should be no longer than four weeks. Good luck Kat xxx

EJ0203 profile image
EJ0203 in reply to

Hi everyone, thank you to everyone who contacted me, its been good to talk. Im still really scared, and worried that it has spread to other organs. The pains that I've had, had me hiospitalised twice, so this is another reason why i'm scared its serious. I have my scan on Fri, & am with the Gyno the Fri after. x

EJ0203 profile image

Hi everyone, thank you to everyone who has contacted me, it makes me feel good to talk. I'm scared, but I'm just hoping that when they do the scan, they can sort it out for me! I know i'm racing ahead, but I hope its not too late x

daisies profile image

Hello. I know from experience that we can all have different levels of ca125 readings - from 6 or 7 to 60/70 and then others can have a reading in the high hundreds, and not have OC. A number of tests such as ct scans, ultra sounds, are usually done to establish OC. A pelvic mass is not in itself OC. Hopefully when all the tests are done you will get an all clear result. Best of luck.

AnnieMae profile image

Really hoping along with everyone else that it isn't OC. Don't be hard on yourself for ignoring symptoms either! Stay strong.

Annette xxx

EJ0203 profile image
EJ0203 in reply to AnnieMae

Hi, thanks again to everyone who have replied to me, & sent their best wishes, it means a lot. I'm not feeling great, my mind is everywhere! I have my ultrasound on Friday & I'm terrified about what they'll find. I know already that there is something there because of the internal i had. I'm suffering with no bowel movement's. I'm scared that I've had this for years, & that the scan will show that whatever it is, has spread. I dont know how I'm going to handle the results

janette47 profile image

Hi, just want to wish you good luck for tomorrow and to tell you we are all thinking of you. I can only speak for myself, but think the worst part is pre diagnosis love, it's the 'not knowing' that is the scariest, I also went into every worst case scenario. Mainly due to fact the words 'Ovarian Cancer' made me think the worst. Yes the statistic's are scary but as you can see, you have received some wonderful replies from many fantastic women who have travelled this journey too and are here to support you. It's a bit like going to battle- your walking up the hill with no idea of the enemy over the other side- when you reach the brow of that hill and know what you are facing, then you can draw your sword and fight it with everything you have got whatever you are faced with. Try some peppermint tea for your stomach - it may help settle it as the stress as this could be a big factor. Thinking of you and hope all goes ok xxxxx

EJ0203 profile image
EJ0203 in reply to janette47

I've just had my ultrasound, & it was awful! They told me there was a 10cm cyst on my left ovary. The results will be with my GP in 4 working days. They wouldn't tell me anything else! I'm so scared & stressed. I now have a cyst & a high ca125. I'm scared they'll find something else & my prognosis will be poor.

EJ0203 profile image
EJ0203 in reply to janette47

Hi everyone, just to give you a quick update. I had my ultrasound yesterday, and it was awful, i was so nervous. Anyway, he told me that I had a 10cm cyst on my left ovary. He wouldn't tell me anything else. I asked if it looked nasty & he said that the Radiologist will have to check, & that i'll get the results sent to the GP in 4 working days. I have my appointment with the Gyno on Friday. Ive gone into panic mode as i had a ca125 result of 804 and now i know i have a 10cm cyst. I'm frightened about what the rest of the ultrasound results will show, & I'm also scared that the prognosis will not be good.

janette47 profile image

Emma I know honestly exactly how you are feeling, my ultrasound showed and 11cm mass on my right ovary, after MRI it showed in both and post op showed left had been 13cm and right 11cm - they said it had spread to my bowel and pelvis, BUT, I had an op 6 weeks after scan and my consultant assured me they had got it all !!! I'm honestly not writing this to worry you chic- just to reassure you that the worst enemy you have at this moment is your own fear, once you know the facts and have spoken to the consultant it will hopefully be nothing at all to worry about, but even if it is O/C there is so much they can do xxxxx good luck for Friday and let us all know how it goes xxxx

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