the link to complain is, http;// just if anyone wishes to.xxuna
pride of britain: the link to complain is, http... - My Ovacome
pride of britain

Una, done with pleasure and on mirror site too. Gill xx
Will try to do this. Vxxx ps carpal tunnel at the moment, GP told me not to write. Ergo most of this is done with one hand, the one that doesn't have symptoms. Vicky.
Hi, I just left a message on Peter Willis' voicemail, saying what you have done in Northern Ireland is an enormous contribution to the health of women with ovarian cancer there, and indeed you have helped women throughout the UK to recognise the facts about ovarian cancer, because you have posted on this site a step by step guide of how to campaign and publicise the cancer known as the silent killer, etc etc etc.. I wound up by saying your contribution in terms of generosity, bravery because you have this cancer, and tenacity was enormously valuable and we all felt very insulted and hurt because he didn't even mention your name. You can find his number on the website... Best, vicky xxx
Thanks Vicky
I've just sent a mail too. Im just about to call to check he's got it. Love Tina x x
As an update, I've been asked to forward it Peter Willis' PA and I've requested that she give it to him. Love Tina x
Thank you all so much .I am totally amazed at your support. It would have been such a great opportunity to platform our disease. It isnt about getting any accolade, I just felt it was so unjust and that all winners regional included should have been given their place and been on that stage. To add insult to injury the next morning, all the other winners were invited to ten downing street for tea with prime minister. The daily mirror done a big pull out on thursday of all the winners with photos and not one of the regional winners were even mentioned. its very hurtful and in sensitve .Thank you all so much for all your love and support. yu are all stars!!!Una x
Hi Una.
I have emailed Peter Willis to complain about the treatment of the regional winners. I said they were much more deserving of attention than celebs, and I was sure most of the celebs would agree.
Eileen xx