Hi ladies, just wondering has anyone experienced pain out toward their hip area? Had surgery 6/7 weeks ago and ovarian cancer in 2013, any advice welcomed
Hip pain: Hi ladies, just wondering has anyone... - OvaCare
Hip pain
I had my surgery on 8th March (full abdominal vertical surgery) and started chemo on 5th April, I've been having pangs and twinges in my hip and abdomen area but I understand that is normal at this stage. If you are in any doubt then I would ring and speak with your doctor, it's too easy to worry and that doesn't help us re stress levels. Take care
Clare x
Hi Cotton, I was experiencing hip pain recently. My surgery was in 2006 and have had recurrences. However my mri showed just inflamation and not the dreaded word. I was due my routine ct scan so waiting on results. I am now putting down pain to excessive walking one weekend. It has more or less gone away but I am concious of it. I might add I already had pelvic rt in 2011 so it could be due to this. I probably wont know fully until next Monday. So I expect a referral to a rheumatologist at some stage and hoping ct scan shows stable.