anyone have any results from using a vibration platform at the gym? i have been trying it and at lowest levels and doing movements. It seems to have good potential and speaks of it. anyone with real life experience?
vibation plates: anyone have any... - Osteoporosis Support
vibation plates

I have a Lifepro Waver vibration plate that I use at home, about 4 times a week for 15 minutes sessions. My vibration plate has preset programs which I use all the time. I love the way the vibration plate helps with muscle recovery after working out and my balance too. Vibration plates are supposed to help with muscle tone / flexibility, improved bone health, lymphatic circulation. I got my vibration plate about 4 months before my last bone dexa scan which showed an improvement in my bone health. I think it was a combination of the things I do that helped my bones being I was only using the vibration plate for about 4 months before the scan. But I really do believe that they are beneficial to your overall health. As long as I feel good using it I'm going to continue my routine.
Thanks. I am quite excited as my gym just got a large comprehensive machine. I do QiGong on it, and work with squats, and hip hinges. I sit on it and my spine jiggles. I use it at the lowerst level of vibration and wonder if I will ever increase. Wondering what it all means. I am a celiac, so never developed good bone density as child/young adult. Alas. Working on it. Love hearing other experiences and knowledge. Is there an amount that could be too much?
I believe it is safe to use the vibration plate for 15 minutes every day. I think you just have to watch on the intensity of the vibrations. That's why I like doing the programs on my machine because it shifts back and forth between intensities. Sounds like you get a good workout. I also like doing planks on mine. I usually finish up with my weight workout on the machine doing some arm work.
Hi, Mindy. I use a Marodyne low intensity vibration platform at my house. The video linked below states that platforms that vibrate at accelerations of 1 g or less are safe. If the ones at the gym vibrate at an acceleration rate higher than that, I would caution against using them. In addition, vibration plates that use frequencies of 25 to 45 Hz are recommended, according to the article in the second link below.
Personally, through using the platform, changing my diet and doing weight-bearing exercise, I progressed from being diagnosed with osteoporosis using a DEXA scan to be diagnosed with not having osteoporosis using a DEXA scan. Since I changed my diet, started weight-bearing exercise and started using the vibration plate all at the same time, I can't tell if one, two or three of these factors resulted in this change.
I hope this is helpful. Best wishes.