Has anyone improved their t scores by taking bisphosphates? Still struggling with the decision whether or not to take them. Recently diagnosed with spine t score -3 and femoral neck -2.6.
Recently diagnosed with osteoporosis.... - Osteoporosis Support
Recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. Wondering if bisphosphates work

Only you can decide whether or not to take OP meds, but there are some of us who have improved their bone density without the use of medication. Have a look at my story for some ideas about the kinds of things you can do. I can tell you that over the years through the forums I've heard of others who have done similar and been successful.
Did your doctor run all the necessary tests to determine whether you had a "secondary cause" of osteoporosis?
Bisphosphonates do usually improve t-scores, but that doesn't mean they will improve bone strength. Most people with osteoporosis won't fracture (yet many people who do fracture only have osteopenia or even normal bone density) but if you are someone who has already fractured (or could see into the future and know you would fracture) bisphosphonates only have a 50% chance of preventing fractures. So it really depends how high your fracture risk is, rather than what your t-scores are, to decide whether there's any benefit in taking meds. You should have a FRAX fracture risk score to help inform this decision. If this hasn't been calculated, you can ask your doctor to do it for you.
I just read about FRAX and found this website to calculate your score. It’s very easy and explains each question. Hope it helps.
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis a number of years ago due to an early menopause and was advised to take medication, I like you put off taking medication as I’d heard there could be side effects, I am very active and walk daily around 12000 steps I have been doing tai chi for a number of years 3 times a week, but still no improvement on my dexa results. All the professionals suggest the medication plus I have spoken to the Osteoporosis Society nurses who are very helpful. I decided to start taking Alendronic Acid a few months ago just one tablet weekly, I could not get on with this and had side effects however my rheumatologist suggested I try Risedronate and I haven’t noticed any side effects and am due another dexa scan in about 6 months time.. a couple of friends take this medication and have no issues so I thought it’s worth a try… I’m hoping to see an improvement or at least no decline.. good luck with your decision.
A link to my DEXA results and 3 others links are listed in my bio. To save you the trouble, here is the link to my DEXA results My DEXA results are listed here healthunlocked.com/boneheal... but I highly recommend looking at the other links I have posted, one is to a list of tests for secondary causes of osteoporosis and another is to a pdf on bone turnover markers.
My 1st DEXA in 2019 at age 50 showed my lumbar t-score was -3.9. My endocrinologist said my bones were horrible and pushed meds. I took alendronate for 1.5 years (jan 2020 to july 2021) stopped because it was causing digestive tract issue and after a 4 month bisphosphonate holiday, I somewhat reluctantly had a zoledronic acid infusion, as my endocrinologist advised me to do.
My total lumbar t-score results for my 3 DEXAs are
July 2019, -3.6, .714 (g/cm2)
July 2021, -3.7, .741 (g/cm2), 3.8%
December 2022, -3.9, .749 (g/cm2), 1.1%
All of my scans were done on the same GE Lunar scanner. The month/yr is when I had the scan, the next number is my total lumbar spine t-score, followed by my actual BMD in grams over centimeters sq., and the percentage at the end is the percent change from the previous DEXA scan. Since 2019 is my baseline DEXA there is no % change able to be calculated.
They anything less than a 3% change is statistically insignificant.
My endocrinologist didn’t do any testing for secondary causes of osteoporosis prior to prescribing meds, and because I’m not a doctor, at the time I was unaware that he didn’t run these tests or that there were tests he should have run. It wasn’t until after I’d had the zoledronic acid infusion in 2021 that I started researching osteoporosis and joined this website. While researching, I learned there are bone turnover marker tests. My doctor should have run these tests prior to prescribing meds so I would have a baseline and then run them again about 3 months after starting to make sure the drugs were having the desired effect.
If you look at the bone turnover marker pdf on my bio (cut and paste the link into your browser) you will learn that bisphosphonates lower certain bone turnover markers.
A few weeks ago, over a year after my zoledronic acid infusion, I told my doctor I wanted the bone turnover marker tests run. I had an appt with him the past week and as usual, he was very unhelpful. When I asked him about the results from my bone turnover marker tests he said that my Osteocalcin, serum was near the lower end and you want that to be higher. My test results showed that my Osteocalcin, serum was 8.8 and the reference range is
pre-menopausal 4.9 - 30.9 ng/mL
post-menopausal 9.4 - 47.4 ng/mL
It’s my understanding that anti-resorptive agents (bisphosphonates and HRT) are supposed to decrease Osteocalcin levels. Additionally, I have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, which my endocrinologist has been treating since at least 2018, and Hashimoto’s decreases osteocalcin, which a doctor should be aware of.
The reason I am stating all this is to emphasize GET BONE TURNOVER MARKER TESTS prior to taking anything. Also rule out secondary causes.
I can’t really say with 100% confidence if the bisphosphonates I took worked or not. Yes, my numbers did not go down and appear to have slightly increased, but last yr my endocrinologist was telling my bones were “horrible” and last week when I told him I was considering not having a 2nd zoledronic acid infusion, he didn’t mention my bones at all, he just said I should do what makes me comfortable.
I had made a lot of changes to my diet, supplements, exercise program and in other areas of my life, all in an effort to help my bones. The changes that I’ve made may have played a part and since my doctor didn’t order a DEXA scan before he started me on levothyroxine to treat my hypothyroidism in 2017, there is a chance my bones had improved in 2019 but again there is no prior yr data to compare it to.
No one can tell you what decision to make. One thing I factor in is my age. I was 50 when I was diagnosed. Some ppl at 90 have higher BMD than me 😆 I’m trying to make sure that I don’t start fracturing. I only took the drugs because my doctor pretty much told me it was my only option. I had asked about natural means to reverse bone loss and he had no suggestions. I have since on my own learned about OsteoStrong (if there were one w/i a 2 hour drive of my home I would join their program) and the Marodyne LiV, which I might one day end up purchasing.
If you aren’t fracturing you have a minute to do some research and find a solution or plan that is right for you.
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