Hi everybody, at the end of feb i was due to go for my 6th throat dilatation as you can see John kindly replied re stents and type. I have been desperate to comment once again but didnt want to jinx the outcome but feel i can now let you know how things went.
After asking my consultant about stenting he was happy to go ahead with the procedure but offered his ten penneth stating that 1) they can feel unatural in the throat 2) can cause their own problems in themselves ,so after thinking about this i decided to go for dilatation for the 7th time , I am pleased to report im 14 days on now eating everything and anything ..no dicomfort , no vomitting the horrible bubbly mucus which caused the most distress dont worry im touching wood all the time.
The main thing i want to add which i think is more significant is that during our conversation i tried to explain to my consultant that i felt like it wasnt a blockage as such but felt more like an air lock in my throat which caused my vommiting and all that came up was frothy mucus as well as anything i had eaten so he decided to try me on SUCRALFATE which dries secretions in the stomach and immediatley i saw benefits , Im not sugesting for a minute this will work for all but i do think its worth a try as is anything because i know how this can make us feel
Thanx for reading i will let you know how i go on this next month