hi everyone, my dad had Ivor Lewis 6 years ago. He’s in hospital now as he has had severe sweating so bad he’s soaked through he feels quite unwell and then he’s so cold he shivers. He has had this happen 3 times recently and he’s in the cardio ward with a monitor on I was just thinking would this have anything to do with the food passing to quickly I think it’s called dumping but not sure what it is, any help would be really appreciated. Best wishes to all xx.
severe sweating : hi everyone, my dad... - Oesophageal & Gas...
severe sweating

hi sorry to hear your dads in hospital with this horrible feeling , I have had this on dumping but also when having acid reflux in the night , you told it as it is hot and and uncomfortable then the shivers it’s really quite unpleasant, I wish your dad a speedy recovery, x
hi Ollie Dumping occurs because the sugar level in the blood drops after eating. It can be anything from imediate to up to 4-6 hours later. Its to do with food in the wrong place in the gut at the wrong time, or too much food is there, the hormones that produce insulin when we chew, swallow, etc work, but food moves through differently and the gut is still getting its act together from the op 6 years on, i have hiccups 15 years on where things that have been fine for ages suddenly go haywire. Its often a balancing act and be kind to your gut go back to the baby steps from after the op (small tiny portions and eat slowly, blander food etc ) and see if it helps. Its good to get things checked out in the hospital as well, sometimes diabetes can develop but it is more likely to be a blip thats gone nuts. If its to do with sugar levels. Mine sometimes drops to 1.2and i feel awful totally clammy, brain fog etc very shaky, severe cramps and bowels out of control but a packet of dextrose spread over an hour helps and i sleep the sleep of the Dead for hours. Dont feel brilliant for a couple of days and no real reason why.
I also find if i do too much and im tired like really tired, my gut just sort of stops. I am constantly feeling full, no appetite, bowels stop, get dehydrated etc, and its a case of a few days of being kind to myself resting drinking water or gingerale maybe nibbling and sleeping, Hope he is improving and its solvable have fingers crossed cheers lizzy
You don't say how old your dad is. Dumping only happens after eating and usually quite soon after, though, as Liz says, it can occur some hours later. It is normally accompanied by a feeling of severe tiredness, as well as hot flushes, and passes within a couple of hours. The fact that he's in a cardio ward and on a monitor suggests that the hospital think it is something else, though it may be exacerbated by his previous surgery.
Thank you so much for your replies. Dad is still in hospital he’s 86 but a young 86, they think it’s not his heart but today he’s had two more turns of feeling unwell suddenly coming over dizzy today sweats again and also gagging at the beginning which has been happening for a year but he didn’t have this sweatiness or dizzy spells. They tested his blood sugar in a&e when he was admitted and was ok but when it happened today it was 2.6 which was really low and probably the cause of this problem but why I don’t know, it’s such a worry as only recently lost mum they said he doesn’t have diabetes but I’m convinced it’s something to do with his digestive issues. My brother and me have been cooking him soft meals as the gagging issue was getting worse as the dr said that the food was getting stuck by eating solid food but he is to old for stretching really at a loss of knowing how to sort this. I really appreciate all input as I know you must have your own problems xx