I.m five years on from my oesphagectomy and finding I get breathless after eating I.m OK if I sit doing nothing but if I try to go for a walk I get breathless. Does anyone else get this.
Breathing: I.m five years on from my... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Hi, like you, I am almost 5 years on from surgery and definitely get what you describe. I believe it is simply a result of the food in our relocated stomachs, taking up space that the lungs would ordinarily like to expand in to.
I also see my heart rate rise, I believe this is also at least partially down to the same issue.
I could however be wrong with all of this and so will keep an eye on what others have to say.
Hi Summerson, I’m 3 years post op and yes I get this too. Like I can’t take a deep breath. I spoke to my consultant about it and said if I eat certain food I feel like they sit and expand in my stomach and this is pressing on my wind pipe. He said it was exactly that. I can’t eat oats at all, the sit and swell. I limit bread type products and have also been gluten free 18 months. I used to get awful bloating and pain and going gluten free has stopped that. Take care. Sue
Yes that makes sense . I also had radiotheraphy to my chest which I think caused upper back fractures so I think it's probably a combination of the two. I definitely find if I.ve over eaten its worse . I try not to overeat but sometimes the temptation is to great 😅 thanks for getting back to me.
Yes I get this too and when climbing stairs straight after a meal. if am going shopping etc and I need to eat I just take a banana to keep me going till I get home. I usually rest after finishing eating, if I want to garden or do something active I eat very light. My heart rate does rise too but I was put on medication as it kept going over 100.
I get that to and I am 15 yrs on from op .