I have recently been diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer, T3N+ After a PET scan they also found a ganglion near where the stomach meets the oesophagus. In early discussion they were talking about five weeks radio/chemo combo and then surgery. The surgery sounds scary but from my googling the only way to be sure of a complete cure. But, now they are only talking about the chemoradio and then more scans and probably surgery isn’t appropriate, which is a bit depressing since it implies no real cure. Just wondering if anyone else has any experience of this? Thank you
confused: I have recently been... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Hi Vitex, that’s the same treatment I had. I’m 2 yrs 6 months post surgery now. Have you asked them why they are considering not giving you the option of the surgery? I was very much encouraged to have it as a cure. I would push them on this. Sue
Hi there - I also had the 5 weeks combined radiology/chemotherapy, I was under the impression it would remove the problem however it didn’t and and therefore went on and had the surgery (just over 3 years ago). It’s not been the easiest ride but 5 years since diagnosis and I’m still hear and good quality of life so all in all I’m grateful for everything I’ve been offered and met some lovely people along the way - good luck on your journey x
As Sue suggests, I would ask the surgeon why they are no longer considering surgery as an option. If you don't like the answer, you have the right to ask for a second opinion.
I don't know what N+ means, or how the presence of the ganglion affects the treatment plan. I was T3N1 and had three cycles of chemotherapy followed by surgery.