Hi all
I have been on PPI's for circa thirty years. They did a fantastic job - so much so that if my GP had suggested stopping I would have resisted strongly, they seemed the perfect drug for me.
I have had some heart issues with an ablation about 18 months ago which didn't go well - another story, it's on here somewhere.
Since heart procedure I have been diagnosed with: Osteopenia, iron deficiency anemia and now B12 deficiency. I have the great good fortune to have a wonderful GP and be under an exceptional doctor at the local 'lipid clinic' who spots these things. I have quarterly blood tests for lipids and I have been able to persuade my GP to add a broad range of other tests to be done at the same time. The driver for all this testing is generally feeling tired and generally rough much of the time.
So from a layman,s perspective I think I have a malabsorption problem - probably due to PPI's. So I stopped. I know from previous experience that I would have awful acid rebound so I have Pep Tac everywhere plus Rennies and I am taking an H2 blocker (Nizatidine 300mg) in the morning. It has been rough but that is my choice as I don't have the patience to taper off, I will just muscle through. It is getting easier, today is day 8 of no PPI. My oesophagus is sore but I am going sailing so what the hell.
I have asked GP for Nizatidine 150mg to start tapering off the H2 blocker next week.
I have a hiatus hernia and my oesophagus is aperistaltic. Is there a recognised regime for dealing with reflux long term without drugs that lower stomach acid? I have made lots of lifestyle adaptations already which help but I am sure many others have trod this path and I don't want to re-invent the wheel.