Can’t believe it! : Can anything else... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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Can’t believe it!

Deeedals profile image
26 Replies

Can anything else go wrong? I am going for Ivor Lewis on 9th June, meanwhile our GP rang to say my husband has a suspicious bowel sample result and has to go for a colonoscopy on the 3rd June and my son in law is having problems swallowing so is going for an endoscopy tomorrow.

I haven’t told anyone except this group but I just don’t know how we will cope 😭

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Deeedals profile image
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26 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

Just read your post and completely understand how worried you are. Everything must seem to have come to your door at once and you are left to pick up the pieces.I'm just writing to tell you how sorry I am for what you are going through at the moment. Yes its a very difficult time for you all. I can only suggest you try to be as strong as you can take a deep breath and take each day as it comes. Things could well turn out to be much better than you think. Thinking of you.

Deeedals profile image
Deeedals in reply to RoadRunner44

Thank you xx

ccfc profile image
ccfc in reply to Deeedals

Just before my cancer diagnosis my sister in-law was diagnosed with terminal cancer and our house was burgled with valuables ( some sentimental) taken and our car stolen. Sometimes life throws up these things but there is no choice but to carry on. Hopefully all your news won’t be bad news. Best Wishes James.

hunsdon profile image

Hi sending loves and dig deep into your strength pocket it will work out for you ❤️

Hi try to keep strong I know it’s not easy . sending hugs to you 🤗🤗 xx

telford-hiker profile image

I thing at a time,all we can do ,life can be really cruel,get your head down and focus what’s next then tick them off.. thinking of you ..I can tell you’ve got this 💪🏻

toots1951 profile image

Bless you - but you will get through this. My husband had an Ivor Lewis 7 years ago and soon after son in law developed skin cancer on his lip then his dad got bowel cancer and then my husbands sister got skin cancer. We couldn't believe it was happening....BUT they all got through it and you can. Keep positive and try to focus on yourself x

Helenmick profile image

Good Morning, my hubby had exactly the same with something suspicious coming up on a scan after oesophageal cancer diagnosis. He was sent for a colonoscopy and we were all prepared for the worst that it had spread but it was only a polyp apparently they are very common and lots of people have them but only find out when you have a scan. I’ll keep everything crossed for you. Any help or advice feel free to ask my hubby was diagnosed 2015. Helen xxx

Kentishred profile image

I'm so sorry that you are having so many problems. It seems that life throws everything at you in one go. You will come through it all and hopefully your husband and son in law's results will not be as bad as you fear.I've been through similar in the past few years my husband was diagnosed with parkinson's disease then ha had a kidney removed then a triple heart bypass while this was going on I was coping with severe arthritis in my hip I had that replaced then I was diagnosed with cancer and had my Ivor Lewis last year. I felt under siege I'm still my husbands sole carer but you do cope and there is help out there take advantage of everything that's offered. You sound a strong person and I'm sure that you will come through all this. I'm wishing you and your family all the good luck and good health in the world


HONORIUS profile image

I sincerely feel for you. My father and I were diagnosed with cancer in the same week. Whilst for me, surgery (Ivor Lewis) with curative intent was considered viable, for my father, the prognosis was the worst possible. Two months into my chemotherapy, I was writing my father's eulogy. However, my father's delight on hearing before his death that I was one of those fortunate enough to undergo surgery was a potent force in maintaining my momentum through what is a major, life-changing event; and I have been able to offer practical aid and solace to my mother. I shall be six years post-surgery on the 14th of next month. In my wife's wonted adage: the darkest hour is just before dawn.

Beatrice90 profile image

Wow, good luck and fingers crossed for you all! When life throws you lemons, put them in your gin! Angi 8 years post IV op. Xxxx

Deeedals profile image
Deeedals in reply to Beatrice90

Yes I’m having very large gins at the moment 😂

Beatrice90 profile image

Cheers my lovely! Xxxx

lonestray profile image

You ask if anything else can go wrong? From my point of view yes. I was robbed in broad daylight of a large Waterford Crystal lamp worth thousands of pounds. Problem is I live alone and don't lock my front door during the day, plus I live alone. My recovery following surgery for bowel cancer. Bad enough managing to eat without a stomach. Life is full of challenges. I count my blessings that I have a daughter that brings my weekly shopping. My son has just had surgery to remove part of his lung due to cancer. He already had surgery for bowel cancer. While he's hoping to reach age 65 in September, I'm content with my age coming up to 90. Deeedals I pray you have better days to come in the future.

Deeedals profile image
Deeedals in reply to lonestray

Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to moan really, it was just to get it off my chest.I count my blessings and I wish you good days ahead xxx

lonestray profile image
lonestray in reply to Deeedals

It's OK, we are all given challenges along life's road, some tougher than others. Many things I've learned along the way as I've had little option. There was no parent or adult I could turn to from as early as two year old. Much I've learned along the the way and am still learning. Just one of those things is: one size does not fit all. Another is: the most valuable gift we are presented with is time. How much we know not, how we spend it matters. It's more precious than material items. My prayers go o you and your family.

liz_crisp profile image

What a pain, everything seems to happen at once, fingers crossed it good news for your husband and son in law, just remember whatever happens take each day as one at a time and allow people to help and don’t worry about things. Amazingly your brain will switch off the trivia without you noticing I discovered that if people said can I do anything they were very happy to be asked to pickup shopping or take me to appointments, it also broke the barriers of them not knowing what to say and made life a bit more normal. Most of my neighbours and friends had keys to my door and used to drop things off , or pop in with a cake or treat and make coffee. Some even hovered, emptied the dishwasher, or popped a wash on while they were there all of which were things I found exhausting todo. Love the gin idea, I drankProsecco, the docs said I should drink something fizzy to help move the food through,sure Gin & Tonic will be just as effective, hugs

grandylynda profile image

Definitely an awful lot to cope with. Make sure all your medical teams are aware and that you get some emotional support. I don't know whether you have a religion but, as a Christian, I will pray for you all

Notknowmuch profile image

Hi Deedals, understandably you and your family are going through very tough times.

I can only pray that you have the mental strength and resilience to take things a step at a time. Stay positive and have a hopeful spirit for your coming surgery and your husband's and SIL’s diagnoses.

Will be upholding your circumstances in prayer. Please take care.

Corrinesue1 profile image

So sorry unfortunately these things do come up at the same time the first time (25 years ago) when I went in for fa cancer operation my husband went into a different hospital for a triple heart bypass. We are both still here/ had third cancer last year and had chemo followed by Ivor Lewis/ taking time to get back to normal. Keep strong

Deeedals profile image
Deeedals in reply to Corrinesue1

Thank you for your reply. I feel a bit guilty now as people seem to have had much worse things happen. Posting it was just a means of telling someone without worrying my family.

FKM100 profile image
FKM100 in reply to Deeedals

Please don't feel guilty - it's part of what we are here for. Sometimes we just need to talk and say how we're feeling.

Fortuknitone profile image

Ugh, Deeedals, it IS a lot, and you’re right to recognize your feelings. At the end of the day, all you can do is all you can do, right? Try to look at the thing that’s right in front of you at any given moment and forge through that one. I’m affirming for best possible outcomes in everything you face.

kiddy profile image

Hi there,Glad your op is soon. Sorry to hear about your husband’s test but it may be nothing. Your son in law may have something unrelated to cancer a lot of swallowing problems could be other things like thyroid.

Try remain positive and get healthy for your op.

Best Wishes


Everyone has said everything here, now you know, you can lean on us. God Bless your family as they go through this horrible time.

lonestray profile image

I've attempted to make a post but to no avail. Here's hoping this is accepted. It's just let you all know that I've my goal to celebrate my 90th birthday on Friday the 8th Oct. and I'm making steady progress.

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