Hi. I have been taking Omeprazole for 8 years. Over the last 6 months or so I have Been experiencing extreme itching at times , Itching is one of the side affects in the instruction leaflet affecting 1 in 1000 patients.
Does anyone taking omeprazole suffer ... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Does anyone taking omeprazole suffer extreme itching?

I am on Lansoprozole and have experienced itching only on my lower legs weirdly. I mentioned it to the pharmacist and they changed the brand a couple of times until I found one that didn't effect me as much. However, I have been using the same brand now for six months and still occasionally experience the itching. Why don't you ask the pharmacy if you can try another manufacturer? Good luck.
Hi Roadrunner. Thanks for this. I'm on 20mg. Changing the brand could be a useful tip. I have had it on my lower legs, but far more commonly around my waist and lower back. Oddly, there is no obvious rash to be seen, although it is posible to create one or the look of one by too much scratching! I am now working on the theory that I may havea a latex allergy, so have recently changed my underpants to latex free elastic and also non-elasticated socks. My GP has just prescribed a strong anti-histamine for a month to see how that goes. BW
Hi CBG 1965. Thanks for this. I'm on 20mg. Changing the brand could be a useful tip. I have had it on my lower legs, but far more commonly around my waist and lower back. Oddly, there is no obvious rash to be seen, although it is posible to create one or the look of one by too much scratching! I am now working on the theory that I may havea a latex allergy, so have recently changed my underpants to latex free elastic and also non-elasticated socks. My GP has just prescribed a strong anti-histamine for a month to see how that goes. BW
Hi, When I was on 20mg of Omaprazole I suffered with dry, itchy l dry legs. I was advised (for other reasons) to get down to 10mg. I did this very slowly and touch wood, I dont experience itchy legs now but still have dry skin.
Not me but I have heard this .I am alarmed that you have taken this medication for so long . I was told that is could damage internal organs - cause ulcers etc taken long term. Thats why I opted for surgery.
It is one of the possible side effects and yes, I've had it. Can also be caused by histamine causing foods.
"Itching is one of the side affects in the instruction leaflet affecting 1 in 1000 patients."
this is for short advised dose side effects.
Not to be confused with very very long term use. There can be n number of different reasons for the itch to be developed, as simple as defficiecy of magnesium. which again can be caused by PPI overuse and aggreivated by other underlying causes existing or maturing.