Having robotic surgery for hiatel hernia and sphinter on the 18th. I have dyplasia and close to barretts. Dysplasia is a couphing, choking thing..does this procedure straighten out? It also is precancerous cells like barretts, so does that stop or slow it down? Drs after the endoscopy send you to the surgeon, they explain the procedure but you don't have time for all the questions their giving you pre admission things and your head is hearing precancer you have to get it done liquids for a week shakes second week and I'm in kids large. I'm worried about autoimmune disease, sjdogrens especially(dehydrating), can you walk afterwards? I read you have to prevent clotting??? Suggestions??
Robotic stomach surgery: Having robotic... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Robotic stomach surgery

Did nobody give you a contact number to phone or a specialist nurse to contact ?
They are you MOST IMPORTANT contact right now because WHATEVER your questions worries or feelings they have heard it all before.
If you DONT have this contact your GP for their contact
I know all this is scary but try to take in what they are telling you preferably with another person of your choice whom you trust
Wishing you well
The dr told me if you have any questions feel free to call the office well I called worried as I just had my thyroid removed 6 months ago and it is low and tsh is high. Levels take years some time. I'm exhausted. So I had questions and called she was so nasty she said if you have questions talk to the doctor. So an 11/2 drive for 2 hr wait and 7 mins of answers. If I call again she'll be just as nasty. Oncologist office you'd think she'd have compassion. Thank you for your time
My husband just had this procedure done. He is extremely fit and healthy. His sphincter was extremely large and a lot of his stomach was in his oesophagus.
After the procedure he had trouble getting in and out of bed and had to lie sent upright for about a week. After that he was practically recovered. The only this is that he had liquid food (bone broth, custard)for a week, then liquidised regular food for two weeks. After about four weeks we went to eating very slowly, chewing really well, very soft foods.
Honestly his recovery was very quick and painless.
He didn't take any pain meds other than Ibuprofen for a week afterwards.
The hospital will tell you what to do to avoid clotting etc.
My problem is though I'm thin. I'm ill. I Have many autoimmune diseases, lung diseases and can't figure out what to eat. I'm gluten free, lactose free and processed free and watch everything because of my stomach. How did he prevent clots? My friends daughter hemorraged the first week. STRESSED
My hubby is also thin and lost 17lbs in the weeks. He literally ate custard and drank bone broth, which is very nutritious for an entire week. What country are you in? They sell bone broth at the supermarkets and in bulk at Costco in the USA.
He also had a top surgeon at uci.
I'm also on a limited diet much the same as yours. We don't eat any processed foods.You can't eat nuts after this procedure, or cold milk shakes. But you can have almond and soy milk.
I suspect your friend's daughter's hemorrhage was a rare occurrence. This procedure is not new and they improve on it all the time.
If you're stressed about it -don't get it done. It's your body, your decision.
If you think it will improve your quality of life then go for it. This is a tried and trusted procedure with practically no complications.
I'm pretty sure they give you a special box to blow in to exercise your lungs and prevent clots.
Talk to the surgeon about your other medical conditions and if he thinks they will impact your recovery.
My husband does not regret having this done.
You could wait until you get your thyroid meds OPTIMAL, and then get surgery. Low thyroid is extremely debilitating. You may find that once your thyroid hormones are right some of your other symptoms disappear.
You've been so comforting, God bless you. Yes she died a year ago. I'm thinking she was lifting the baby all week maybe? Ok so no nuts at all? All I know is liquids the 1st week. I thought carnation instant breakfast , Bone broth. How about thin smoothies? And apple sauce thats all I have. Why'd you say no cold milk shake, because its cold or thick? Thank you
Thank you.
huh, i thought i'd replied to this. Hubby cannot eat cold frozen things, so it's important not to drink water with ice in it or use a straw to drink. NO STRAWS!! I think the carnation drink would be OK if you're underweight anyway. I really would recommend getting your thyroid levels OPTIMAL not just in range before you have any procedure done. T3 and T4 in upper quarter. Look into T3 meds like Cytomel, too.
I was praying after research as I didn't think I'd make surgery. I went to endocrinologist, she said No surgeon would do surgery seeing these numbers. Doing adrenals ,everything and mentioned Cytomel. We'll see you are on target. God bless you for answering.
What country are you in?
Weird, I thought you were in England. Additional resource for info is hashimotos 411 Facebook group. You should join that
But I had my Total thyroidectony, so I don't think I have hashimotos anymore? I don't know how it goes.
Hashimotos a result of antibodies that perceive your thyroid as invading organism and thus tried to destroy it. The aim is to reduce your antibodies so that they do not go on to destroy your other organs. Have you noticed people with autoimmune disease tend to have three or more?. I have psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and hashimotos.
You'll always have hashimotos. The idea is to keep it under control.
Join the 411 group. There is a lot to learn about.
Dr. Had me on thyroid meds for 7 yrs took me off for 18 months . Grew a goiter blocked my airways had to come out. Went through so many issues, depression, crying. Swollen glands, heart palipatations, tremors, anxiety he never picked up on it. Now I have dyplasia and no thyroid. I lay in bed 6 months later because he can't figure the dose
OMG why did he take you off Thyroid meds?? Moron.
Anyway, if you were hypothyroid for so long I guarantee you are low on all your vitamins and iron. That's going to give you heart palpitations which most doctors diagnose as being over medicated. I hope he's resting your T3 and T4.
Also as you're in the states there should be a list of doctors in the file section of the hashimotos 411 FB group that are recommended by other sufferers.
On Nature Throid 97.5 upped it
Got my results compared to 3 weeks ago. Adrenals fine. Raising meds I'm up 70% so I'm calling to set up stomach surgery tomorrow. Thank you so much for your positive support.
Hey there. Are you feeling better? It takes 6 weeks for thyroid medication to really make an impact. I understand you are on a mediation with T3 which works faster, but even so it takes a while for the body to respond.
Did you join hashimotos 411 group?
If you post your blood test results on the page some one will come along and interpret them for you.
Did you get vitamin D, B12, folate and s full iron panel including ferritin tested?
I took 100,000 units of vitamin D since 1999 after my complete hysterectomy my gp just took me off of it after the thyroidectomy and its making me nervous but my endo said labs were 70% better. I have to get stomach surgery but I still have bad days ...I don't know what to do. That you for caring its been 25 days on my higher dosage.
Please join the hashimotos 411 group. You still have hashimotos even though you don't have your thyroid. You can post your labs in the site and knowledgeable people will give you advice. I cannot tell you what you should do about your vitamin D without seeing your labs. Post labs with ranges in parentheses otherwise it means nothing.
Also are you taking vitamin D3 with vitamin K and magnesium?
A lot of people take 8,000iu daily to maintain OPTIMAL levels of vitamin D. Did you Google how to tell if you have low stomach acid?
I'm having stomach surgery soon. I'm waiting to go for pre admission. I just had my thyroid out no one has given me labs its 6 months and had 2 labs and she promised to teach me my next visit how to read labs. I was too sick this time. Wasn't concentrating well.
I get my labs at quest. I'm signed up so that I get to view my results online two weeks after the labs are done. You always need to have a copy of your labs. Many people do not find a good endocrinologist and still suffer hypothyroid symptoms because they are poorly medicated. If you have hashimotos you need to educate yourself. Isabella Wentz and Dr kharazian are a good place to start. Reading your labs is easy. There are files on how to do that on the hashimotos 411 FB group. There are 80k members in that group. It's a good resource for information.