Why is acid reflux worse when sleeping on the left side? I have an adjustable bed and , since my oesophagectomy 15 months ago, sleep upright on my back each night but I woke the other morning and turned on to my left side. After 10 mins I had the vilest attack of reflux. The vicious burning lasted for one hour and I was basically out of action all day. I didn't want to eat and slept on and off all day. I recall reading that lying on the left side in particular caused reflux but can't remember why. I wish I had remembered that before being tempted to turn over! I would welcome an explanation of this if anyone can help.
Sleeping on the left after oesophagec... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Sleeping on the left after oesophagectomy
I think its the type of operation you have had. With me its a major problem sleeping on my right side and that can cause me to also have bad reflux so I tend to sleep on my back or left side. However my operation 12 years ago was done by a cardiothoracic surgeon and the incision was on my left side and back. If it was an Ivor Lewis I think the incisions are across and up the middle of the stomach and in your back. That now seems to be the most common way the surgery is performed. You now know the right side sleeping position causes problems so try to avoid eating too late and you can get the right sleeping position with your adjustable bed.
It seems sometimes we are on a never ending learning curve.
I also get bad on my right side..as Phil says it's the type of OP you have. however lying on my left which is better for me also can bring me pain from where they cut the ribs.
I think it's simply a matter of gravity, depending on where your stomach is positioned after the gastric pull up. Some oesophagectomy patients (like you and me) can't sleep on their left side, and others can't sleep on their right hand side. However, I can say that it has got better over time. My surgery was 12 years ago and I can now lie on my left side for a limited time without reflux.
I suspect it is bile reflux and not acid. Like me many people have had a pyloric stretch to aid emptying of the stomach. I think this allows for bile to leak into the stomach due to gravity. My op means I can't lye on my left.
It may well be bile. All I know is that it is very painful and the aftertaste lingers for the day.
It is the way the plumbing has been done if your stomach is now predominantly in the right chest cavity sleeping on the left means gravity will force bile reflux and vice versa